Browsing by Author Chang, Chih-Ming

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Showing results 1 to 8 of 8
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2-Oct-2015An exploratory study of young students\' core virtues of e-character education: The Taiwanese teachers\' perspectiveChang, Chih-Ming; Chou, Chien; 教育研究所; Institute of Education
1-Aug-2015Is routine single-incision laparoscopic cholecystectomy feasible? A retrospective observational studyChuang, Shu-Hung; Yang, Wen-Jui; Chang, Chih-Ming; Lin, Chih-Sheng; Yeh, Meng-Ching; 生物科技學系; Department of Biological Science and Technology
1-Apr-2014Single-Incision Laparoscopic Common Bile Duct Exploration with Conventional Instruments: an Innovative Technique and a Comparative StudyChuang, Shu-Hung; Chen, Pai-Hsi; Chang, Chih-Ming; Tsai, Yung-Fa; Lin, Chih-Sheng; 生物科技學系; Department of Biological Science and Technology
21-Nov-2013Single-incision vs three-incision laparoscopic cholecystectomy for complicated and uncomplicated acute cholecystitisChuang, Shu-Hung; Chen, Pai-Hsi; Chang, Chih-Ming; Lin, Chih-Sheng; 生物科技學系; Department of Biological Science and Technology
1-Jan-2018The Virtues of Taiwanese Internet-Using Adolescents: The Development and Validation of the Cyber Virtues ScaleChang, Chih-Ming; Hung, Min-Ling; Lu, Jui-Lien; Chou, Chien; 教育研究所; Institute of Education
1-Sep-2015Why do they become potential cyber-plagiarizers? Exploring the alternative thinking of copy-and-paste youth in TaiwanChang, Chih-Ming; Chen, Yin-Lan; Huang, Yun-yin; Chou, Chien; 教育研究所; Institute of Education
2010以德菲法建立遠距監造應用程度評估指標之研究張志銘; Chang, Chih-Ming; 曾仁杰; Dzeng, Ren-Jye; 工學院工程技術與管理學程
2016青少年網路品德教育之課程設計、實施與評鑑張志銘; 周倩; Chang, Chih-Ming; Chou, Chien; 教育研究所