Browsing by Author Chen, Jin-Dah

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Showing results 1 to 6 of 6
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
7-Mar-2011Infrared absorption of CH(3)OSO detected with time-resolved Fourier-transform spectroscopyChen, Jin-Dah; Lee, Yuan-Pern; 應用化學系; 應用化學系分子科學碩博班; Department of Applied Chemistry; Institute of Molecular science
7-Mar-2011Infrared absorption of CH3OSO detected with time-resolved Fourier-transform spectroscopyChen, Jin-Dah; Lee, Yuan-Pern; 應用化學系; 應用化學系分子科學碩博班; Department of Applied Chemistry; Institute of Molecular science
14-Dec-2011Infrared absorption of gaseous benzoylperoxy radical C(6)H(5)C(O)OO recorded with a step-scan Fourier-transform spectrometerGolec, Barbara; Chen, Jin-Dah; Lee, Yuan-Pern; 應用化學系; 應用化學系分子科學碩博班; Department of Applied Chemistry; Institute of Molecular science
14-Dec-2011Infrared absorption of gaseous benzoylperoxy radical C6H5C(O)OO recorded with a step-scan Fourier-transform spectrometerGolec, Barbara; Chen, Jin-Dah; Lee, Yuan-Pern; 應用化學系; 應用化學系分子科學碩博班; Department of Applied Chemistry; Institute of Molecular science
1-Jan-2014Transient Infrared Absorption Spectra of Reaction Intermediates Detected with a Step-scan Fourier-transform Infrared SpectrometerHuang, Yu-Hsuan; Chen, Jin-Dah; Hsu, Kuo-Hsiang; Chu, Li-Kang; Lee, Yuan-Pern; 應用化學系; 應用化學系分子科學碩博班; Department of Applied Chemistry; Institute of Molecular science
2010利用步進式掃描時域解析傅氏轉換紅外光譜法研究CH3OSO之紅外吸收光譜陳勁達; Chen, Jin-Dah; 李遠鵬; 應用化學系碩博士班