Browsing by Author Chen, Shih-Chih

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Showing results 1 to 7 of 7
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2015Better to be flexible than to have flunked The mediating role of service flexibility and its determinants for team performanceLin, Chieh-Peng; Joe, Sheng-Wuu; Chen, Shih-Chih; Wang, Huei-Jyuan; 交大名義發表; 經營管理研究所; National Chiao Tung University; Institute of Business and Management
1-Jul-2015The impact of customer experience and perceived value on sustainable social relationship in blogs: An empirical studyChen, Shih-Chih; Lin, Chieh-Peng; 經營管理研究所; Institute of Business and Management
1-Aug-2013Integrating Technology Readiness into the Expectation-Confirmation Model: An Empirical Study of Mobile ServicesChen, Shih-Chih; Liu, Ming-Ling; Lin, Chieh-Peng; 經營管理研究所; Institute of Business and Management
1-Jan-2019Modeling leadership and team performance: The mediation of collective efficacy and the moderation of team justiceLin, Chieh-Peng; Wang, Chu-Chun; Chen, Shih-Chih; Chen, Jui-Yu; 經營管理研究所; Institute of Business and Management
2012To use or not to use: understanding the factors affecting continuance intention of mobile bankingChen, Shih-Chih; 經營管理研究所; Institute of Business and Management
1-Mar-2019Understanding the effect of social media marketing activities: The mediation of social identification, perceived value, and satisfactionChen, Shih-Chih; Lin, Chieh-Peng; 經營管理研究所; Institute of Business and Management
2016顧客體驗與社群媒體行銷活動效果評析:二個社群媒體之實證研究陳世智; 林介鵬; Chen, Shih-Chih; Lin, Chieh-Peng; 經營管理研究所