Browsing by Author Chen, Yen-Liang

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Showing results 1 to 18 of 18
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1-Dec-2010An alternative bend-testing technique for a flexible indium tin oxide filmChen, Yen-Liang; Hsieh, Hung-Chih; Wu, Wang-Tsung; Wen, Bor-Jiunn; Chang, Wei-Yao; Su, Der-Chin; 光電工程學系; Department of Photonics
20-Dec-2010Alternative method for measuring the full-field refractive index of a gradient-index lens with normal incidence heterodyne interferometryChen, Yen-Liang; Hsieh, Hung-Chih; Wu, Wang-Tsung; Chang, Wei-Yao; Su, Der-Chin; 光電工程學系; Department of Photonics
1-Mar-2009Full-field measurement of the phase retardation for birefringent elements by using common path heterodyne interferometryChen, Yen-Liang; Su, Der-Chin; 光電工程學系; Department of Photonics
1-Oct-2010Full-field refractive index distribution measurement of a gradient-index lens with heterodyne interferometryHsieh, Hung-Chih; Chen, Yen-Liang; Wu, Wang-Tsung; Chang, Wei-Yao; Su, Der-Chin; 光電工程學系; Department of Photonics
1-Oct-2010Full-field refractive index distribution measurement of a gradient-index lens with heterodyne interferometryHsieh, Hung-Chih; Chen, Yen-Liang; Wu, Wang-Tsung; Chang, Wei-Yao; Su, Der-Chin; 光電工程學系; 光電工程研究所; Department of Photonics; Institute of EO Enginerring
20-Jul-2011High-accuracy thickness measurement of a transparent plate with the heterodyne central fringe identification techniqueWu, Wang-Tsung; Hsieh, Hung-Chih; Chang, Wei-Yao; Chen, Yen-Liang; Su, Der-Chin; 光電工程學系; Department of Photonics
1-Sep-2010Improved technique for measuring full-field absolute phases in a common-path heterodyne interferometerChen, Yen-Liang; Su, Der-Chin; 光電工程學系; Department of Photonics
1-Jan-2018Investigation of Polarization Hysteresis and Transient Current Switching in Ferroelectric Aluminum-Doped Hafnium OxidesLiu, Chien; Fan, Chia-Chi; Tseng, Chih-Yang; Hsu, Hsiao-Hsuan; Cheng, Chun-Hu; Chen, Yen-Liang; Chang, Chun-Yen; Chou, Wu-Ching; Lin, Chien-Liang; Fan, Yu-Chi; Lee, Tsung-Ming; 光電系統研究所; 電子物理學系; 電子工程學系及電子研究所; Institute of Photonic System; Department of Electrophysics; Department of Electronics Engineering and Institute of Electronics
10-Dec-2008Method for determining full-field absolute phases in the common-path heterodyne interferometer with an electro-optic modulatorChen, Yen-Liang; Su, Der-Chin; 光電工程學系; Department of Photonics
1-Jun-2010Method for gauge block measurement with the heterodyne central fringe identification techniqueWu, Wang-Tsung; Chen, Yen-Liang; Hsieh, Hung-Chih; Chang, Wei-Yao; Su, Der-Chin; 光電工程學系; Department of Photonics
1-Jan-2010A method for measuring the geometrical topography of a Rockwell diamond indenterChen, Yen-Liang; Su, Der-Chin; 光電工程學系; Department of Photonics
1-Oct-2013Monitoring Debris Flows Using Spatial Filtering and Entropy Determination ApproachesKao, Hung-Ming; Ren, Hsuan; Lee, Chao-Shing; Chen, Yen-Liang; Lin, Yen-Shuo; Su, Yeng; 資訊工程學系; Department of Computer Science
1-Dec-2008Nano-roughness measurements with a modified Linnik microscope and the uses of full-field heterodyne interferometryChen, Yen-Liang; Jian, Zhi-Cheng; Hsieh, Hung-Chih; Wu, Wang-Tsung; Su, Der-Chin; 光電工程學系; Department of Photonics
1-Nov-2007Optimal condition for full-field heterodyne interferometryJian, Zhi-Cheng; Chen, Yen-Liang; Hsieh, Hung-Chih; Hsieh, Po-Jen; Su, Der-Chin; 光電工程學系; Department of Photonics
1-Apr-2011Optimal sampling conditions for a commonly used charge-coupled device camera in the full-field heterodyne interferometryHsieh, Hung-Chih; Wu, Wang-Tsung; Chang, Wei-Yao; Chen, Yen-Liang; Su, Der-Chin; 光電工程學系; Department of Photonics
1-Feb-2009Two-wavelength full-field heterodyne interferometric profilometryHsieh, Hung-Chih; Chen, Yen-Liang; Jian, Zhi-Chen; Wu, Wang-Tsung; Su, Der-Chin; 光電工程學系; Department of Photonics
2010全場顯微干涉術及其在折射率及表面形貌之量測應用陳彥良; Chen, Yen-Liang; 蘇德欽; Su, Der-Chin; 光電工程學系
2016濕式洗滌塔酸氣處理效能提升 - 以某半導體廠為例陳彥良; 白曛綾; Chen, Yen-Liang; Bai, Hsun-Ling; 工學院產業安全與防災學程