Browsing by Author Chen, Zong-Yi

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Showing results 1 to 9 of 9
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1-Dec-2015A 5.8 mW Continuous-Time Delta Sigma Modulator With 20 MHz Bandwidth Using Time-Domain Flash QuantizerChen, Zong-Yi; Hung, Chung-Chih; 電機資訊學士班; Undergraduate Honors Program of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
2015A Continuous-Time Delta-Sigma Modulator with Novel Data-Weighted Averaging Algorithm for Audio ApplicationLin, Jia-Ni; Chu, Hsing-Chien; Chen, Zong-Yi; Hung, Chung-Chih; 電機學院; College of Electrical and Computer Engineering
1-Jan-2014DLL-Based Pulse-Width Modulation Digital-to-Analog Converter for Continuous-Time Sigma Delta ModulatorsChen, Zong-Yi; Hung, Chung-Chih; 電機工程學系; Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
2010A Fourth-Order FeedForward Continuous-Time Delta-Sigma ADC with 3MHz BandwidthHuang, Sheng-Wen; Chen, Zong-Yi; Hung, Chung-Chih; Chen, Chia-Min; 電機工程學系; Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
1-Jan-2014Jitter Compensation Technique for Continuous-Time Sigma-Delta ModulatorChen, Zong-Yi; Hung, Chung-Chih; 電機資訊學士班; Undergraduate Honors Program of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
2015A Novel 12-bit Current-Steering DAC with Two Reference CurrentsChou, Fang-Ting; Chen, Zong-Yi; Chu, Hsing-Chien; Hung, Chung-Chih; 電機學院; College of Electrical and Computer Engineering
1-Jan-2014A Novel Glitch Reduction Circuitry for Binary-Weighted DACChou, Fang-Ting; Chen, Chia-Min; Chen, Zong-Yi; Hung, Chung-Chih; 電機資訊學士班; Undergraduate Honors Program of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
1-Jan-2016Surface defect engineering: gigantic enhancement in the optical and gas detection ability of metal oxide sensorWang, Wen-Chieh; Lai, Chun-Yen; Lin, Yu-Ting; Yua, Tzu-Hsuan; Chen, Zong-Yi; Wu, Wen-Wei; Yeh, Ping-Hung; 材料科學與工程學系; Department of Materials Science and Engineering
2015採用時域快閃式量化器與改良式資料加權平均實現方式之連續時間三角積分調變器陳宗益; Chen, Zong-Yi; 洪崇智; Hung, Chung-Chih; 電信工程研究所