Browsing by Author Cheng, Shih-Hsien

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Showing results 1 to 11 of 11
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2011A 80V Output Voltage Boost Converter with Low Voltage Ripple for Avalanche Photodiode(APD)Yang, Yao-Yi; Hsieh, Chun-Yu; Huang, Tzu-Chi; Lee, Yu-Huei; Wang, Shih-Wei; Fan, Ming-Yan; Du, Ming-Jhe; Cheng, Shih-Hsien; Chen, Ke-Horng; 電控工程研究所; Institute of Electrical and Control Engineering
2011Current-Mode Synthetic Control (CSC) Technique for High Efficiency DC-DC Boost Converters Over a Wide Load RangeSu, Yi-Ping; Chen, Yi-Chun; Huang, Han-Hsiang; Lee, Yu-Huei; Yang, Yao-Yi; Chen, Ke-Horng; Du, Ming-Jhe; Cheng, Shih-Hsien; 電控工程研究所; Institute of Electrical and Control Engineering
1-Jun-2012A Flexible Inductive Coil Tag for Household Two-Wire Current Sensing ApplicationsChen, Yung-Chang; Yu, Sung-Chu; Cheng, Shih-Hsien; Cheng, Yu-Ting; 電子工程學系及電子研究所; 電控工程研究所; Department of Electronics Engineering and Institute of Electronics; Institute of Electrical and Control Engineering
1-Jun-2012A Flexible Inductive Coil Tag for Household Two-Wire Current Sensing ApplicationsChen, Yung-Chang; Yu, Sung-Chu; Cheng, Shih-Hsien; Cheng, Yu-Ting; 電子工程學系及電子研究所; Department of Electronics Engineering and Institute of Electronics
1-Apr-2014A Power Sensor Tag With Interference Reduction for Electricity Monitoring of Two-Wire Household AppliancesChen, Yung-Chang; Hsu, Wei-Hung; Cheng, Shih-Hsien; Cheng, Yu Ting; 電子工程學系及電子研究所; 電控工程研究所; Department of Electronics Engineering and Institute of Electronics; Institute of Electrical and Control Engineering
2011Reduction of Equivalent Series Inductor Effect in Constant On-Time Control DC-DC Converter without ESR CompensationLee, Yu-Huei; Lai, Wang-Wei; Pai, Wan-Yu; Chen, Ke-Horng; Du, Ming-Jhe; Cheng, Shih-Hsien; 電控工程研究所; Institute of Electrical and Control Engineering
2012Robust Switch-mode Charger with Bootstrap Detector (BSD) and Soft-start Embedded in Type III Compensation (SSEC) TechniquePeng, Ruei-Hong; Su, Yi-Ping; Tsai, Tsu-Wei; Chen, Ya-Ping; Chen, Ke-Horng; Du, Ming-Jhe; Cheng, Shih-Hsien; 資訊工程學系; Department of Computer Science
1-Apr-2015A self-powered current monitoring module with ZigBee communication for industrial applicationsCheng, Shih-Hsien; Lin, Sheng-Fuu; 電控工程研究所; Institute of Electrical and Control Engineering
2012Sensitivity Enhancement of the Flexible Inductive Coil Tag Using Magnetic C-Clamp Stripes for the Current Detection of Household Two-Wire Power LinesChen, Yung-Chang; Hsu, Wei-Hung; Cheng, Shih-Hsien; Cheng, Yu-Ting; 電子工程學系及電子研究所; Department of Electronics Engineering and Institute of Electronics
2011Single Controller Current Balance (SCCB) Technique for Voltage-Mode Multi-Phase Buck ConverterHuang, Yu-Ping; Su, Yi-Ping; Lee, Yu-Huei; Chu, Kuan-Yu; Shih, Chun-Jen; Chen, Ke-Horng; Du, Ming-Jhe; Cheng, Shih-Hsien; 電控工程研究所; Institute of Electrical and Control Engineering
2016具距離變動補償電力線非侵入式電流/電壓量測之研究鄭世賢; 林昇甫; Cheng, Shih-Hsien; Lin, Sheng-Fuu; 電控工程研究所