Browsing by Author Cheng, Szu-Cheng

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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
5-Jul-2011Calculation of spontaneous emission from a V-type three-level atom in photonic crystals using fractional calculusHuang, Chih-Hsien; Wu, Jing-Nuo; Li, Yen-Yin; Cheng, Szu-Cheng; Hsieh, Wen-Feng; 光電工程學系; 光電工程研究所; Department of Photonics; Institute of EO Enginerring
1-Dec-2008Coherent Coupling Between a Three-Level Atom and a Structured ReservoirWu, Jing-Nuo; Yang, Tzong-Jer; Cheng, Szu-Cheng; 光電工程學系; Department of Photonics
8-Nov-2013Collective excitations, Nambu-Goldstone modes, and instability of inhomogeneous polariton condensatesChen, Ting-Wei; Cheng, Szu-Cheng; Hsieh, Wen-Feng; 光電工程學系; Department of Photonics
2008Coupling theory of asymmetric photonic-crystal waveguidesHuang, Chih-Hsien; Hsieh, Wen-Feng; Cheng, Szu-Cheng; 光電工程學系; Department of Photonics
Oct-2016Dark solitons in a spinor microcavity-polariton condensateChen, Ting-Wei; Jheng, Shih-Da; Hsieh, Wen-Feng; Cheng, Szu-Cheng; 物理研究所; 光電工程學系; Institute of Physics; Department of Photonics
19-Jan-2016Drag and critical velocities in a nonresonantly pumped trapped polariton condensate with a rotating defectCheng, Szu-Cheng; Chen, Ting-Wei; Jheng, Shih-Da; Hsieh, Wen-Feng; 物理研究所; 光電工程學系; Institute of Physics; Department of Photonics
2013Dynamics of the Energy Relaxation and Decoherence of a Photon-Atom Bound State in an Anisotropic Photonic CrystalWu, Jing-Nuo; Hsieh, Wen-Feng; Huang, Hsin-Chien; Cheng, Szu-Cheng; 光電工程學系; Department of Photonics
1-Jan-2011The evolution of solitons in coupled resonator optical waveguides and photonic-crystal waveguidesHuang, Chih-Hsien; Wu, Jing-Nuo; Cheng, Szu-Cheng; Hsieh, Wen-Feng; 光電工程學系; Department of Photonics
1-Aug-2008Fractional dynamics of the spontaneous emission of an atom in photonic crystalsCheng, Szu-Cheng; Tsai, Ming-Rung; Hsleh, Wen-Feng; 光電工程學系; Department of Photonics
1-Apr-2007Instabilities of Bose-Einstein condensates in optical latticesKuan, W. H.; Jiang, T. F.; Cheng, Szu-Cheng; 物理研究所; Institute of Physics
1-Jul-2015Instability of a spontaneously formed multiple-flux vortex in polariton condensatesChen, Ting-Wei; Cheng, Szu-Cheng; Hsieh, Wen-Feng; 光電工程學系; Department of Photonics
2-Feb-2009Modulation instability in nonlinear coupled resonator optical waveguides and photonic crystal waveguidesHuang, Chih-Hsien; Lai, Ying-Hsiuan; Cheng, Szu-Cheng; Hsieh, Wen-Feng; 光電工程學系; Department of Photonics
18-May-2016Nonequilibrium and nonlinear defect states in microcavity-polariton condensatesChen, Ting-Wei; Jheng, Shih-Da; Hsieh, Wen-Feng; Cheng, Szu-Cheng; 物理研究所; 光電工程學系; 光電工程研究所; Institute of Physics; Department of Photonics; Institute of EO Enginerring
1-Jan-2014Phase diagram of microcavity polariton condensates with a harmonic potential trapChen, Ting-Wei; Wei, Ming-Dar; Cheng, Szu-Cheng; Hsieh, Wen-Feng; 光電工程學系; Department of Photonics
1-Jan-2009Physical properties of asymmetric photonic crystal waveguidesHuang, Chih-Hsien; Hsieh, Wen-Feng; Cheng, Szu-Cheng; 光電工程學系; Department of Photonics
22-Aug-2016Physical Realization of von Neumann Lattices in Rotating Bose Gases with Dipole Interatomic InteractionsCheng, Szu-Cheng; Jheng, Shih-Da; 物理研究所; Institute of Physics
24-Nov-2010The properties and design concepts of photonic directional couplers made of photonic crystal slabsHuang, Chih-Hsien; Wu, Jing-Nuo; Lee, Po-Yi; Hsieh, Wen-Feng; Cheng, Szu-Cheng; 光電工程學系; Department of Photonics
1-Mar-2017Quantum fluctuations and stability of vortex lattices in a nonresonantly pumped exciton-polariton condensateChen, Ting-Wei; Jheng, Shih-Da; Jiang, T. F.; Cheng, Szu-Cheng; 物理研究所; Institute of Physics
4-Nov-2013Roton instabilities and correlated Wigner crystals of rotating dipolar fermions in the fractional quantum Hall regimeJheng, Shih-Da; Jiang, T. F.; Cheng, Szu-Cheng; 物理研究所; Institute of Physics
8-Jun-2011Spontaneous emission dynamics in an omnidirectional waveguide made of photonic crystalsHuang, Chih-Hsien; Cheng, Szu-Cheng; Wu, Jing-Nuo; Hsieh, Wen-Feng; 光電工程學系; Department of Photonics