Browsing by Author Chu, Jui-Hung

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Showing results 1 to 11 of 11
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1-Aug-2013Analysis and determination of cooperative MAC strategies from throughput perspectivesChu, Jui-Hung; Feng, Kai-Ten; Liao, Chun-Chieh; 電機資訊學士班; Undergraduate Honors Program of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
2010Cognitive Radio Enabled Multi-channel Access for Vehicular CommunicationsChu, Jui-Hung; Feng, Kai-Ten; Chuah, Chen-Nee; Liu, Chin-Fu; 電機工程學系; Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
2011Cognitive Radio-Enabled Optimal Channel-Hopping Sequence for Multi-Channel Vehicular CommunicationsChu, Jui-Hung; Feng, Kai-Ten; Lin, Jia-Shi; Hsu, Chung-Hsien; 電機工程學系; Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
2014Energy-Efficient Cell Selection and Resource Allocation in LTE-A Heterogeneous NetworksChu, Jui-Hung; Feng, Kai-Ten; Chang, Tain-Sao; 電機工程學系; Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
2015Energy-Efficient Spectrum Selection and Resource Allocation in Downlink Cognitive Femtocell NetworksChen, Jun-Quan; Chu, Jui-Hung; Feng, Kai-Ten; 電機學院; College of Electrical and Computer Engineering
2015Joint Clusterization and Power Allocation for Cloud Radio Access NetworksTsou, Yao-Chun; Li, Pei-Rong; Chu, Jui-Hung; Feng, Kai-Ten; 電機學院; College of Electrical and Computer Engineering
1-Oct-2016Novel Design of Optimal Spectrum Sharing for Cognitive Radio-Enabled LTE-A Multi-Cell NetworksFeng, Kai-Ten; Li, Pei-Rong; Chu, Jui-Hung; 電機學院; College of Electrical and Computer Engineering
1-Jul-2015Prioritized Optimal Channel Allocation Schemes for Multi-Channel Vehicular NetworksChu, Jui-Hung; Feng, Kai-Ten; Lin, Jia-Shi; 電機資訊學士班; Undergraduate Honors Program of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
1-Jul-2014Stochastic spectrum handoff protocols for partially observable cognitive radio networksChu, Jui-Hung; Ma, Rui-Ting; Feng, Kai-Ten; 電機資訊學士班; Undergraduate Honors Program of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
1-Jul-2014Stochastic spectrum handoff protocols for partially observable cognitive radio networksChu, Jui-Hung; Ma, Rui-Ting; Feng, Kai-Ten; 電機工程學系; Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
2014次世代無線網路下頻譜共享通訊協定之設計朱瑞鴻; Chu, Jui-Hung; 方凱田; Feng, Kai-Ten; 電信工程研究所