Browsing by Author Deng, Jiun-Shiou

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Showing results 1 to 6 of 6
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
20064x4 Optical switch with polarization selective elementsDeng, Jiun-Shiou; Lee, Chi-Ping; Lu, Ming-Feng; Lin, Meng-Fu; Huang, Yang-Tung; 電子工程學系及電子研究所; Department of Electronics Engineering and Institute of Electronics
15-Dec-2009Compact photonic delay line constructed by holographic optical elementsDeng, Jiun-Shiou; Lu, Ming-Feng; Huang, Yang-Tung; 電子工程學系及電子研究所; Department of Electronics Engineering and Institute of Electronics
2009Components Reduction of Double-Layer Networks with Holographic Optical SwitchesDeng, Jiun-Shiou; Lee, Chi-Ping; Chang, Chien-Ping; Lu, Ming-Feng; Huang, Yang-Tung; 電子工程學系及電子研究所; Department of Electronics Engineering and Institute of Electronics
2007Loss reduction of AS/AC networks with holographic optical switchesDeng, Jiun-Shiou; Lee, Chien-Yi; Lu, Ming-Feng; Huang, Yang-Tung; 電子工程學系及電子研究所; Department of Electronics Engineering and Institute of Electronics
2009Multicast Network with MMI-based Optical Switches on Active Splitter/Active Combiner StructureLee, Chi-Ping; Deng, Jiun-Shiou; Lu, Ming-Feng; Chang, Chien-Ping; Huang, Yang-Tung; Kuei, Ping-Yu; 電子工程學系及電子研究所; Department of Electronics Engineering and Institute of Electronics
1-Jan-2012A strictly nonblocking network based on nonblocking 4 x 4 optical switchesLee, Chi-Ping; Chang, Chien-Ping; Deng, Jiun-Shiou; Li, Min-Hao; Lu, Ming-Feng; Huang, Yang-Tung; Kuei, Ping-Yu; 電子工程學系及電子研究所; Department of Electronics Engineering and Institute of Electronics