Browsing by Author Hong, I-Hsuan

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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
15-Feb-2008Centralized versus decentralized decision-making for recycled material flowsHong, I-Hsuan; Ammons, Jane C.; Realff, Matthew J.; 工業工程與管理學系; Department of Industrial Engineering and Management
1-May-2010The Cournot game under a fuzzy decision environmentDang, Jr-Fong; Hong, I-Hsuan; 工業工程與管理學系; Department of Industrial Engineering and Management
10-May-2014The Cournot production game with multiple firms under an ambiguous decision environmentDang, Jr-Fong; Hong, I-Hsuan; Lin, Jing-Ming; 工業工程與管理學系; Department of Industrial Engineering and Management
1-Dec-2008Decentralized decision-making and protocol design for recycled material flowsHong, I-Hsuan; Ammons, Jane C.; Realff, Matthew J.; 工業工程與管理學系; Department of Industrial Engineering and Management
1-Jun-2011Determining advanced recycling fees and subsidies in "E-scrap" reverse supply chainsHong, I-Hsuan; Ke, Jhih-Sian; 工業工程與管理學系; Department of Industrial Engineering and Management
Dec-2016The equilibrium contract rent and reward money under incomplete information in reverse supply chains: A game theoretical approach and computational studyHong, I-Hsuan; Dang, Jr-Fong; Lin, Kuan-Wen; 工業工程與管理學系; Department of Industrial Engineering and Management
1-Oct-2012Equilibrium pricing and lead time decisions in a competitive industryHong, I-Hsuan; Hsu, Hsi-Mei; Wu, Yi-Mu; Yeh, Chun-Shao; 工業工程與管理學系; Department of Industrial Engineering and Management
1-Oct-2013The equilibrium quantity and production strategy in a fuzzy random decision environment: Game approach and case study in glass substrates industriesDang, Jr-Fong; Hong, I-Hsuan; 工業工程與管理學系; Department of Industrial Engineering and Management
1-Jul-2012Modeling closed-loop supply chains in the electronics industry: A retailer collection applicationHong, I-Hsuan; Yeh, Jun-Sheng; 工業工程與管理學系; Department of Industrial Engineering and Management
1-Oct-2018Optimization of ambient intelligence systemsChen, Tin-Chih Toly; Chaovalitwongse, W. Art; Hong, I-Hsuan; 工業工程與管理學系; Department of Industrial Engineering and Management
1-Jul-2006Planning the e-scrap reverse production system under uncertainty in the state of Georgia: A case studyHong, I-Hsuan; Assavapokee, Tiravat; Ammons, Jane; Boelkins, Chuck; Gilliam, Kennon; Oudit, Devon; Realff, Matthew J.; Vannicola, Juan Martin; Wongthatsanekorn, Wuthichai; 交大名義發表; National Chiao Tung University
2008PRICING DECISION AND LEAD TIME SETTING IN A DUOPOLY SEMICONDUCTOR INDUSTRYHong, I-Hsuan; Hsu, Hsi-Mei; Wu, Yi-Mu; Yeh, Chun-Shao; 工業工程與管理學系; Department of Industrial Engineering and Management
1-Sep-2011An RFID application in the food supply chain: A case study of convenience stores in TaiwanHong, I-Hsuan; Dang, Jr-Fong; Tsai, Yi-Hsuan; Liu, Chen-Shen; Lee, Wang-Tsang; Wang, Ming-Li; Chen, Pei-Chun; 工業工程與管理學系; Department of Industrial Engineering and Management
1-Oct-2008Selecting an E-Scrap Reverse Production System Design Considering Multicriteria and UncertaintyChen, Wen-Chih; Hong, I-Hsuan; 工業工程與管理學系; Department of Industrial Engineering and Management
1-Jan-2014Socially optimal and fund-balanced advanced recycling fees and subsidies in a competitive forward and reverse supply chainHong, I-Hsuan; Lee, Yi-Ting; Chang, Pei-Yu; 工業工程與管理學系; Department of Industrial Engineering and Management
2010兩供應商良率不確定下單週期數量採購之研究陳佩宜; Chen, Pei-I; 洪一薰; 陳文智; Hong, I-Hsuan; Chen, Wen-Chih; 工業工程與管理學系
2008封閉式供應鏈於電子產業中之回收模式葉潤生; Yeh, Jun-Sheng; 洪一薰; Hong, I-Hsuan; 工業工程與管理學系
2008應用Stackelberg模型探討競爭市場回收體系的費率制定政策柯志賢; Ke, Jhih-Sian; 洪一薰; Hong, I-Hsuan; 工業工程與管理學系
2009應用Stackelberg模型於價高量多市場之兩階層供應鏈合約設計研究許修齊; Hsu, Shio-Chyi; 洪一薰; Hong, I-Hsuan; 工業工程與管理學系
2011模糊環境下之 Cournot 模型均衡產量鄧志鋒; Dang, Jr-Fong; 洪一薰; 陳文智; Hong, I-Hsuan; Wen-Chih Chen; 工業工程與管理學系