Browsing by Author Hou, Huei-Tse

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Showing results 1 to 7 of 7
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1-Jul-2012Analyzing the latent emotional transfer pattern (LETP) of a learning community in an online peer-assessment activityHou, Huei-Tse; Cheng, Kun-Hung; 數位內容製作中心; Center for Digital Content Production
Jan-2017Exploring Learners\' Sequential Behavioral Patterns, Flow Experience, and Learning Performance in an Anti-Phishing Educational GameSun, Jerry Chih-Yuan; Kuo, Cian-Yu; Hou, Huei-Tse; Lin, Yu-Yan; 教育研究所; Institute of Education
4-May-2014Exploring students' emotional responses and participation in an online peer assessment activity: a case studyCheng, Kun-Hung; Hou, Huei-Tse; Wu, Sheng-Yi; 數位內容製作中心; Center for Digital Content Production
15-Mar-2015Exploring students\' behavioural patterns during online peer assessment from the affective, cognitive, and metacognitive perspectives: a progressive sequential analysisCheng, Kun-Hung; Hou, Huei-Tse; 數位內容製作中心; Center for Digital Content Production
4-May-2014Exploring students\' emotional responses and participation in an online peer assessment activity: a case studyCheng, Kun-Hung; Hou, Huei-Tse; Wu, Sheng-Yi; 數位內容製作中心; Center for Digital Content Production
1-Oct-2010A PROCESS-BASED KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM FOR SCHOOLS: A CASE STUDY IN TAIWANLee, Chi-Lung; Lu, Hsi-Peng; Yang, Chyan; Hou, Huei-Tse; 交大名義發表; National Chiao Tung University
1-Jul-2013A Review of Intervention Studies On Technology-assisted Instruction From 2005-2010Wu, Ying-Tien; Hou, Huei-Tse; Hwang, Fu-Kwun; Lee, Min-Hsien; Lai, Chih-Hung; Chiou, Guo-Li; Lee, Silvia Wen-Yu; Hsu, Yu-Chen; Liang, Jyh-Chong; Chen, Nian-Shing; Tsai, Chin-Chung; 教育研究所; Institute of Education