Browsing by Author Hsieh, Ming-Feng

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Showing results 1 to 10 of 10
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1-Jul-2007Apparent topographic height variations measured by noncontact atomic force microscopyYang, Kai-Ming; Chung, Jen-Yang; Hsieh, Ming-Feng; Lin, Deng-Sung; 物理研究所; Institute of Physics
21-Jul-2007Correlation of reaction sites during the chlorine extraction by hydrogen atom from Cl/Si(100)-2X1Hsieh, Ming-Feng; Chung, Jen-Yang; Lin, Deng-Sung; Tsay, Shiow-Fon; 物理研究所; Institute of Physics
15-Jan-2010Determination of dissociative fragment-adsorbate interaction energy during chemisorption of the diatomic molecule HCl on Si(100)Hsieh, Ming-Feng; Cheng, Jen-Yin; Yang, Jenq-Cheng; Lin, Deng-Sung; Morgenstern, Karina; Pai, Woei-Wu; 物理研究所; Institute of Physics
26-Aug-2010Formation, Binding, and Stability of O-Ag-CO(2)-Ag-O Compounds on Ag(100) Investigated by Low Temperature Scanning Tunneling Microscopy and ManipulationHsieh, Ming-Feng; Li, Hong-Doa; Lin, Deng-Sung; Morgenstern, Karina; 物理研究所; Institute of Physics
26-Aug-2010Formation, Binding, and Stability of O-Ag-CO2-Ag-O Compounds on Ag(100) Investigated by Low Temperature Scanning Tunneling Microscopy and ManipulationHsieh, Ming-Feng; Li, Hong-Doa; Lin, Deng-Sung; Morgenstern, Karina; 物理研究所; Institute of Physics
28-Oct-2006Growth behaviour of Ge nano-islands on the nanosized Si{111} facets bordering on two {100} planesFerng, Shyh-Shin; Yang, Tsung-Hsi; Luo, Guangli; Yang, Kai-Ming; Hsieh, Ming-Feng; Lin, Deng-Sung; 物理研究所; 友訊交大聯合研發中心; Institute of Physics; D Link NCTU Joint Res Ctr
7-Nov-2009Hard repulsive barrier in hot adatom motion during dissociative adsorption of oxygen on Ag(100)Hsieh, Ming-Feng; Lin, Deng-Sung; Gawronski, Heiko; Morgenstern, Karina; 物理研究所; Institute of Physics
1-Jul-2009Possibility of direct exchange diffusion of hydrogen on the Cl/Si(100)-2X1 surfaceHsieh, Ming-Feng; Lin, Deng-Sung; Tsay, Shiow-Fon; 物理研究所; Institute of Physics
13-Dec-2012Whole-genome sequencing and identification of Morganella morganii KT pathogenicity-related genesChen, Yu-Tin; Peng, Hwei-Ling; Shia, Wei-Chung; Hsu, Fang-Rong; Ken, Chuian-Fu; Tsao, Yu-Ming; Chen, Chang-Hua; Liu, Chun-Eng; Hsieh, Ming-Feng; Chen, Huang-Chi; Tang, Chuan-Yi; Ku, Tien-Hsiung; 生物科技學系; Department of Biological Science and Technology
2008氫與氯在矽晶面上的交互作用與競爭謝明峰; Hsieh, Ming-Feng; 江進福; 林登松; Karina Morgenstern; Jiang, Tsin-Fu; Lin, Deng-Sung; Karina Morgenstern; 物理研究所