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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1-Oct-2005An application of Petri nets to supervisory control for human-computer interactive systemsLee, JS; Zhou, MC; Hsu, PL; 電控工程研究所; Institute of Electrical and Control Engineering
1-Mar-2004Design and implementation of the SNMP agents for remote monitoring and control via UML and Petri netsLee, JS; Hsu, PL; 電控工程研究所; Institute of Electrical and Control Engineering
2002Design of remote environmental monitoring systemsLee, JS; Hsu, PL; 電控工程研究所; Institute of Electrical and Control Engineering
1-Oct-2004Effect of the core-shell impact modifier shell thickness on toughening PVCLee, JS; Chang, FC; 應用化學系; Department of Applied Chemistry
6-Jul-2003The existence of hyper-L triple-loop networksChen, CY; Hwang, FK; Lee, JS; Shih, SJ; 應用數學系; Department of Applied Mathematics
1-Sep-2002Glass transition temperatures of poly(hydroxystyrene-co-vinylpyrrolidone-co-isobutylstyry1 polyhedral oligosilsesquioxanes)Xu, HY; Kuo, SW; Lee, JS; Chang, FC; 應用化學系; Department of Applied Chemistry
2003An IDEF0/Petri net approach to the system integration in semiconductor manufacturing systemsLee, JS; Hsu, PL; 電控工程研究所; Institute of Electrical and Control Engineering
1-Aug-2004An improved evaluation of ladder logic diagrams and Petri nets for the sequence controller design in manufacturing systemsLee, JS; Hsu, PL; 電控工程研究所; Institute of Electrical and Control Engineering
2002A new approach to evaluate ladder logic diagrams and Petri nets via the IF-THEN transformationLee, JS; Hsu, PL; 電控工程研究所; Institute of Electrical and Control Engineering
2002An object-oriented design of the hybrid controller for automated vehicles in an AHSLee, JS; Hsu, PL; 電控工程研究所; Institute of Electrical and Control Engineering
15-Oct-2001Optimal quantitative group testing on cycles and pathsHwang, FK; Lee, JS; 應用數學系; Department of Applied Mathematics
1-Aug-2001Path planning of 3-D objects using a new workspace modelTsai, CH; Lee, JS; Chuang, JH; 資訊工程學系; Department of Computer Science
1-Jan-2001Path planning of 3-D objects using a new workspace modelTsai, CH; Lee, JS; Chuang, JH; 資訊工程學系; Department of Computer Science
15-Aug-2004Permutation polytopes corresponding to strongly supermodular functionsHwang, FK; Lee, JS; Rothblum, UG; 應用數學系; Department of Applied Mathematics
2004Petri net-based design of modular supervisors for remotely human control systemsLee, JS; Zhou, MC; Hsu, PL; 電控工程研究所; Institute of Electrical and Control Engineering
2003A Petri-net approach to hierarchical supervision for remote-controlled processesLee, JS; Hsu, PL; 電控工程研究所; Institute of Electrical and Control Engineering
2000A PLC-based design for the sequence controller in discrete event systemsLee, JS; Hsu, PL; 電控工程研究所; Institute of Electrical and Control Engineering
5-Nov-2002Preparations, thermal properties, and T-g increase mechanism of inorganic/organic hybrid polymers based on polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxanesXu, HY; Kuo, SW; Lee, JS; Chang, FC; 應用化學系; Department of Applied Chemistry
1-Dec-2003A real time collaboration system for teleradiology consultationLee, JS; Tsai, CT; Pen, CH; Lu, HC; 資訊工程學系; Department of Computer Science
1-Jun-2003Remote supervisory control of the human-in-the-loop system by using Petri nets and JavaLee, JS; Hsu, PL; 電控工程研究所; Institute of Electrical and Control Engineering