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显示 1 到 20 笔资料,总共 47 笔  下一页 >
16-十月-2008Adaptive asymmetric fuzzy neural network controller design via network structuring adaptationHsu, Chun-Fei; Lin, Ping-Zong; Lee, Tsu-Tian; Wang, Chi-Hsu; 电控工程研究所; Institute of Electrical and Control Engineering
1-一月-2007Adaptive fuzzy control using PID-type learning algorithmLee, Bore-Kuen; Hsu, Chen-Fei; Chen, Guan-Ming; Lee, Tsu-Tian; 电控工程研究所; Institute of Electrical and Control Engineering
2006Adaptive synchronization for unknown chaotic systems with fuzzy-neural network observerWu, Bing-Fei; Ma, Li-Shan; Perng, Jau-Woei; Chin, Hung-I; Lee, Tsu-Tian; 电控工程研究所; Institute of Electrical and Control Engineering
2005A circuit simulation technique for network assignment problemCho, Hsun-Jung; Lee, Tsu-Tian; Huang, Heng; 运输与物流管理系 注:原交通所+运管所; Department of Transportation and Logistics Management
2006Computation intelligent foir eukaryotic cell-cycle gene networkWu, Shinq-Jen; Wu, Cheng-Tao; Lee, Tsu-Tian; 电控工程研究所; Institute of Electrical and Control Engineering
2007DC-DC intelligent power regulator design using wavelet neural networkHsu, Chun-Fei; Lee, Tsu-Tian; Hung, Kun-Neng; 电机学院; College of Electrical and Computer Engineering
2013Degraded License Plate Recognition System for Town Buses on HighwayWu, Bing-Fei; Huang, Hao-Yu; Chen, Yen-Lin; Lin, Hsin-Yu; Lee, Tsu-Tian; Chen, Chao-Jung; 交大名义发表; National Chiao Tung University
1-七月-2007The design of an intelligent real-time autonomous vehicle, Taiwan iTS-1Wu, Bing-Fei; Chen, Chao-Jung; Chiang, Hsin-Han; Peng, Hsin-Yuan; Perng, Jau-Woei; Ma, Li-Shian; Lee, Tsu-Tian; 电控工程研究所; Institute of Electrical and Control Engineering
2008A Dynamic Neural Network Model for Nonlinear System IdentificationWang, Chi-Hsu; Chen, Pin-Cheng; Lin, Ping-Zong; Lee, Tsu-Tian; 电控工程研究所; Institute of Electrical and Control Engineering
1-六月-2007Elucidating vehicle lateral dynamics using a bifurcation analysisLiaw, Der-Cherng; Chiang, Hsin-Han; Lee, Tsu-Tian; 电控工程研究所; Institute of Electrical and Control Engineering
1-九月-2014Embedded Driver-Assistance System Using Multiple Sensors for Safe Overtaking ManeuverChiang, Hsin-Han; Chen, Yen-Lin; Wu, Bing-Fei; Lee, Tsu-Tian; 交大名义发表; 电控工程研究所; National Chiao Tung University; Institute of Electrical and Control Engineering
2008The Embedded Driving-assistance System on Taiwan iTS-1Wu, Bing-Fei; Chiang, Hsin-Han; Lee, Tsu-Tian; Perng, Jau-Woei; 电控工程研究所; Institute of Electrical and Control Engineering
2006Exponentially stabilizing output tracking of fully autonomous passenger cars with an observerKumarawadu, Sisil; Perng, Jau-Woei; Lee, Tsu-Tian; 电控工程研究所; Institute of Electrical and Control Engineering
2008Fuzzy Control Using Intuitive Image AnalysisChen, Guan-Ming; Lin, Ping-Zong; Wang, Wei-Yen; Lee, Tsu-Tian; Wang, Chi-Hsu; 电控工程研究所; Institute of Electrical and Control Engineering
1-五月-2009Fuzzy-identification-based adaptive backstepping control using a self-organizing fuzzy systemChen, Pin-Cheng; Hsu, Chun-Fei; Lee, Tsu-Tian; Wang, Chi-Hsu; 电控工程研究所; Institute of Electrical and Control Engineering
2007GPS navigation based autonomous driving system design for intelligent vehiclesWu, Bing-Fei; Lee, Tsu-Tian; Chang, Hsin-Han; Jiang, Jhong-Jie; Lien, Cheng-Nan; Liao, Tien-Yu; Perng, Jau-Woei; 电控工程研究所; Institute of Electrical and Control Engineering
1-六月-2008The heterogeneous systems integration design and implementation for lane keeping on a vehicleWu, Shinq-Jen; Chiang, Hsin-Han; Perng, Jau-Woei; Chen, Chao-Jung; Wu, Bing-Fei; Lee, Tsu-Tian; 电控工程研究所; Institute of Electrical and Control Engineering
1-七月-2010The Human-in-the-Loop Design Approach to the Longitudinal Automation System for an Intelligent VehicleChiang, Hsin-Han; Wu, Shinq-Jen; Perng, Jau-Woei; Wu, Bing-Fei; Lee, Tsu-Tian; 电控工程研究所; Institute of Electrical and Control Engineering
2006The human-in-the-loop design approach to the longitudinal automation system for the intelligent vehicle, TAIWAN iTS-1Chiang, Hsin-Han; Perng, Jau-Woei; Wu, Bing-Fei; Wu, Shinq-Jen; Lee, Tsu-Tian; 交大名义发表; National Chiao Tung University
1-一月-2008An improved auto-tuning scheme for PI controllersMudi, Rajani K.; Dey, Chanchal; Lee, Tsu-Tian; 电控工程研究所; Institute of Electrical and Control Engineering