Browsing by Author Lee, Yih-Shing

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Showing results 1 to 6 of 6
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1-May-2014Effects of Ga2O3 deposition power on electrical properties of cosputtered In-Ga-Zn-O semiconductor films and thin-film transistorsLee, Yih-Shing; Chang, Chih-Hsiang; Lin, Yuan-Che; Lyu, Rong-Jhe; Lin, Horng-Chih; Huang, Tiao-Yuan; 電子工程學系及電子研究所; Department of Electronics Engineering and Institute of Electronics
1-Jul-2014Electrical characteristics of amorphous In-Ga-Zn-O thin-film transistors prepared by radio frequency magnetron sputtering with varying oxygen flowsLee, Yih-Shing; Yen, Tung-Wei; Lin, Cheng-I; Lin, Horng-Chih; Yeh, Yun; 電子工程學系及電子研究所; Department of Electronics Engineering and Institute of Electronics
1-Jul-2014Electrical characteristics of amorphous In-Ga-Zn-O thin-film transistors prepared by radio frequency magnetron sputtering with varying oxygen flowsLee, Yih-Shing; Yen, Tung-Wei; Lin, Cheng-I; Lin, Horng-Chih; Yeh, Yun; 電子工程學系及電子研究所; Department of Electronics Engineering and Institute of Electronics
1-Jan-2017Positive Bias Stress Instability of In-Ga-Zn-O Thin-Film Transistors with Al2O3/TEOS Oxide Gate DielectricsLee, Yih-Shing; Wang, Yu-Hsin; Tien, Tsung-Cheng; Hsieh, Tsung-Eong; 材料科學與工程學系; Department of Materials Science and Engineering
1-Jan-2012Relationships between the crystalline phase of an IGZO target and electrical properties of a-IGZO channel filmLee, Yih-Shing; Dai, Zuo-Ming; Lin, Cheng-I; Lin, Horng-Chih; 電子工程學系及電子研究所; Department of Electronics Engineering and Institute of Electronics
2013Temperature Instability of Amorphous In-Ga-Zn-O Thin Film TransistorsLee, Yih-Shing; Fan, Sheng-Kai; Chen, Chii-Wen; Yen, Tung-Wei; Lin, Horng-Chih; 電子工程學系及電子研究所; Department of Electronics Engineering and Institute of Electronics