Browsing by Author Liao, Jhen-Yu

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Showing results 1 to 16 of 16
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2012Acceleration Harmonics Reduction for Electrodynamic Shaker Fed by Cascaded H-Bridge InverterChen, Hung-Chi; Liao, Jhen-Yu; 電機資訊學士班; Undergraduate Honors Program of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
1-Apr-2014Bidirectional Current Sensorless Control for the Full-Bridge AC/DC Converter With Considering Both Inductor Resistance and Conduction VoltagesChen, Hung-Chi; Liao, Jhen-Yu; 電機資訊學士班; Undergraduate Honors Program of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
2012Current Sensorless Control for Bidirectional Full-Bridge Converter in DC Distributed SystemChen, Hung-Chi; Liao, Jhen-Yu; 電機資訊學士班; Undergraduate Honors Program of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
1-Jul-2014Design and Implementation of Sensorless Capacitor Voltage Balancing Control for Three-Level Boosting PFCChen, Hung-Chi; Liao, Jhen-Yu; 電機資訊學士班; Undergraduate Honors Program of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
2013Digital Implementation of GaN-Based Inverter for Permanent Magnet Electrodynamic ShakerChen, Hung-Chi; Liao, Jhen-Yu; 電機資訊學士班; Undergraduate Honors Program of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
2010DSP-Based Current Control for Inverter-fed Permanent-Magnet Electrodynamic ShakerChen, Hung-Chi; Lin, Yu-Ching; Liao, Jhen-Yu; 電機工程學系; Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
2012DSP-Based Current Control with Dead-Time Compensation for Full-Bridge-Fed Permanent-Magnet Electrodynamic ShakerChen, Hung-Chi; Lin, Yu-Ching; Liao, Jhen-Yu; 電機工程學系; Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
1-Jan-2014Input Current Control for Bridgeless PFC Converter without Sensing CurrentChen, Hung-Chi; Chung, Chao-Chiang; Liao, Jhen-Yu; Yu, Sheng-Yang; 電機資訊學士班; Undergraduate Honors Program of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
1-Jan-2010Modeling and Small-Signal Analysis of a Switch-Mode Rectifier With Single-Loop Current Sensorless ControlChen, Hung-Chi; Wu, Zen-How; Liao, Jhen-Yu; 電控工程研究所; Institute of Electrical and Control Engineering
1-Jan-2014Modified Interleaved Current Sensorless Control for Three-Level Boost PFC Converter with Asymmetric LoadsChen, Hung-Chi; Liao, Jhen-Yu; 資訊工程學系; Department of Computer Science
1-Nov-2015Modified Interleaved Current Sensorless Control for Three-Level Boost PFC Converter With Considering Voltage Imbalance and Zero-Crossing Current DistortionChen, Hung-Chi; Liao, Jhen-Yu; 電機資訊學士班; Undergraduate Honors Program of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
1-May-2011Modified Single-Loop Current Sensorless Control for Single-Phase Boost-Type SMR With Distorted Input VoltageChen, Hung-Chi; Lin, Chih-Chieh; Liao, Jhen-Yu; 電機工程學系; Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
1-Jul-2014Multiloop Interleaved Control for Three-Level Switch-Mode Rectifier in AC/DC ApplicationsChen, Hung-Chi; Liao, Jhen-Yu; 電機資訊學士班; Undergraduate Honors Program of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
2011Multiloop Interleaved Control for Two-Switch Two-Capacitor Three-level SMR without Capacitor Voltage Balancing LoopLiao, Jhen-Yu; Chen, Hung-Chi; 電機工程學系; Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
2010PMSM Sensorless Control with Coordinate Rotation Digital ComputerChen, Hung-Chi; Huang, Wei-Shun; Liao, Jhen-Yu; 電機工程學系; Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
2013三階層升壓型切換式整流器之無感測控制技術廖振宇; Liao, Jhen-Yu; 陳鴻祺; Chen, Hung-Chi; 電控工程研究所