Browsing by Author Lin, Bor-Shing

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Showing results 1 to 18 of 18
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1-Jan-2017Auto Defect Detection of A-IGZO Thin Film Transistor Backplane on Foldable Medical Array Panel ApplicationHung, Yu-Min; Wang, Yao-Chin; Yang, Yu-Ching; Lin, Bor-Shyh; Lin, Bor-Shing; 光電學院; College of Photonics
Aug-2016Automatic Wheezing Detection Using Speech Recognition TechniqueLin, Bor-Shing; Lin, Bor-Shyh; 影像與生醫光電研究所; Institute of Imaging and Biomedical Photonics
1-Jan-2018Data Hiding on Social Media Communications Using Text SteganographyShiu, Hung-Jr; Lin, Bor-Shing; Lin, Bor-Shyh; Huang, Po-Yang; Huang, Chien-Hung; Lei, Chin-Laung; 影像與生醫光電研究所; Institute of Imaging and Biomedical Photonics
1-Mar-2015Design of a Mobile Brain Computer Interface-Based Smart Multimedia ControllerTseng, Kevin C.; Lin, Bor-Shing; Wong, Alice May-Kuen; Lin, Bor-Shyh; 影像與生醫光電研究所; Institute of Imaging and Biomedical Photonics
1-Apr-2019Design of a Wearable 12-Lead Noncontact Electrocardiogram Monitoring SystemHsu, Chien-Chin; Lin, Bor-Shing; He, Ke-Yi; Lin, Bor-Shyh; 影像與生醫光電研究所; Institute of Imaging and Biomedical Photonics
1-Jan-2019Design of Novel Field Programmable Gate Array-Based Hearing AidLin, Bor-Shing; Yang, Po-Yu; Liu, Ching-Feng; Huang, Yi-Chia; Liu, Chengyu; Lin, Bor-Shyh; 影像與生醫光電研究所; Institute of Imaging and Biomedical Photonics
1-Sep-2019Design of smart EEG capLin, Bor-Shing; Huang, Yao-Kuang; Lin, Bor-Shyh; 影像與生醫光電研究所; Institute of Imaging and Biomedical Photonics
1-Sep-2017Design of wearable and wireless multi-parameter monitoring system for evaluating cardiopulmonary functionLi, Shih-Hong; Lin, Bor-Shing; Wang, Chen-An; Yang, Cheng-Ta; Lin, Bor-Shyh; 影像與生醫光電研究所; Institute of Imaging and Biomedical Photonics
1-Jan-2017Design of Wearable Breathing Sound Monitoring System for Real-Time Wheeze DetectionLi, Shih-Hong; Lin, Bor-Shing; Tsai, Chen-Han; Yang, Cheng-Ta; Lin, Bor-Shyh; 影像與生醫光電研究所; Institute of Imaging and Biomedical Photonics
1-Oct-2019Design of Wearable Headset with Steady State Visually Evoked Potential-Based Brain Computer InterfaceLin, Bor-Shyh; Lin, Bor-Shing; Yen, Tzu-Hsiang; Hsu, Chien-Chin; Wang, Yao-Chin; 影像與生醫光電研究所; Institute of Imaging and Biomedical Photonics
1-Mar-2016Development of a Wearable Motor-Imagery-Based Brain-Computer InterfaceLin, Bor-Shing; Pan, Jeng-Shyang; Chu, Tso-Yao; Lin, Bor-Shyh; 影像與生醫光電研究所; Institute of Imaging and Biomedical Photonics
1-May-2019Development of Novel Hearing Aids by Using Image Recognition TechnologyLin, Bor-Shing; Liu, Ching-Feng; Cheng, Chih-Jen; Wang, Jhi-Joung; Liu, Chengyu; Li, Jianqing; Lin, Bor-Shyh; 影像與生醫光電研究所; Institute of Imaging and Biomedical Photonics
1-Jan-2017Development of Novel Lip-Reading Recognition AlgorithmLin, Bor-Shing; Yao, Yu-Hsien; Liu, Ching-Feng; Lien, Ching-Feng; Lin, Bor-Shyh; 影像與生醫光電研究所; Institute of Imaging and Biomedical Photonics
1-Jan-2018Novel Approach of Respiratory Sound Monitoring Under MotionWang, Yan-Di; Liu, Chun-Hui; Jiang, Ren-Yi; Lin, Bor-Shing; Lin, Bor-Shyh; 光電系統研究所; 影像與生醫光電研究所; Institute of Photonic System; Institute of Imaging and Biomedical Photonics
1-Jan-2017The use of surface electromyography in dysphagia evaluationWang, Yao-Chin; Chou, Willy; Lin, Bor-Shing; Wang, Jhi-Joung; Lin, Bor-Shyh; 影像與生醫光電研究所; Institute of Imaging and Biomedical Photonics
2015Using Back-Propagation Neural Network for Automatic Wheezing DetectionLin, Bor-Shing; Jan, Gene Eu; Wu, Huey-Dong; Lin, Bor-Shyh; Chen, Sao-Jie; 影像與生醫光電研究所; Institute of Imaging and Biomedical Photonics
1-Nov-2019Wearable Cardiopulmonary Function Evaluation System for Six-Minute Walking TestLin, Bor-Shing; Jhang, Ruei-Jie; Lin, Bor-Shyh; 光電系統研究所; 影像與生醫光電研究所; Institute of Photonic System; Institute of Imaging and Biomedical Photonics
1-Jan-2014Wireless Monitoring System for Oral-feeding Evaluation of Preterm InfantsWang, Chen-An; Liao, Yi-Chien; Wu, Pei-Jung; Wang, Yu-Lin; Lin, Bor-Shing; Lin, Bor-Shyh; 影像與生醫光電研究所; Institute of Imaging and Biomedical Photonics