Browsing by Author Lin, Chih-Peng

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Showing results 1 to 13 of 13
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1-Jun-2011COMPACT QUAD BAND MONOPOLE ANTENNALin, Chih-Peng; Chang, Chieh-Hsiang; Jou, Christina F.; 交大名義發表; National Chiao Tung University
1-Jun-2011COMPACT QUAD BAND MONOPOLE ANTENNALin, Chih-Peng; Chang, Chieh-Hsiang; Jou, Christina F.; 電信工程研究所; Institute of Communications Engineering
15-Aug-2008Deriving protein dynamical properties from weighted protein contact numberLin, Chih-Peng; Huang, Shao-Wei; Lai, Yan-Long; Yen, Shih-Chung; Shih, Chien-Hua; Lu, Chih-Hao; Huang, Cuen-Chao; Hwang, Jenn-Kang; 生物資訊及系統生物研究所; Institude of Bioinformatics and Systems Biology
2011Development of a Flexible SU-8/PDMS-Based AntennaLin, Chih-Peng; Chang, Chieh-Hsiang; Cheng, Y. T.; Jou, Christina F.; 電信工程研究所; Institute of Communications Engineering
1-Oct-2017Hepatocellular carcinoma-associated single-nucleotide variants and deletions identified by the use of genome-wide high-throughput analysis of hepatitis B virusLiu, Wen-Chun; Wu, I-Chin; Lee, Yen-Chien; Lin, Chih-Peng; Cheng, Ji-Hong; Lin, Yih-Jyh; Yen, Chia-Jui; Cheng, Pin-Nan; Li, Pei-Fu; Cheng, Yi-Ting; Cheng, Pei-Wen; Sun, Koun-Tem; Yan, Shu-Ling; Lin, Jia-Jhen; Yang, Jui-Chu; Chang, Kung-Chao; Ho, Cheng-Hsun; Tseng, Vincent S.; Chang, Bill Chia-Han; Wu, Jaw-Ching; Chang, Ting-Tsung; 資訊工程學系; Department of Computer Science
1-Jan-2010A Miniaturized Wide Band Micromachined Directional CouplerLin, Chih-Peng; Li, Yung-Hsiu; Jou, Christina F.; 交大名義發表; National Chiao Tung University
1-Sep-2010New CMOS-Compatible Micromachined Embedded Coplanar WaveguideLin, Chih-Peng; Jou, Christina F.; 電信工程研究所; Institute of Communications Engineering
2011A Novel Transition for a Half-Mode Substrate Integrated Waveguide Leaky Wave AntennaHuang, Jie-Huang; Lu, Jeng-Hau; Lin, Chih-Peng; Jou, Christina F.; 電信工程研究所; Institute of Communications Engineering
2008A novel ultra wideband transformer-feedback LNAWu, Hui I.; Lin, Tsung-Ting; Jou, Christina F.; Lin, Chih-Peng; Chiang, Pei-Yuan; 傳播研究所; Institute of Communication Studies
1-Aug-2008On the relationship between the protein structure and protein dynamicsLu, Chih-Hao; Huang, Shao-Wei; Lai, Yan-Long; Lin, Chih-Peng; Shih, Chien-Hua; Huang, Cuen-Chao; Hsu, Wei-Lun; Hwang, Jenn-Kang; 生物資訊及系統生物研究所; Institude of Bioinformatics and Systems Biology
1-Oct-2008Prediction of NMR order parameters in proteins using weighted protein contact-number modelHuang, Shao-Wei; Shih, Chien-Hua; Lin, Chih-Peng; Hwang, Jenn-Kang; 生物資訊及系統生物研究所; Institude of Bioinformatics and Systems Biology
2008利用加權蛋白質接觸數目推導蛋白質動力學特性林志鵬; Lin, Chih-Peng; 黃鎮剛; Hwang, Jenn-Kang; 生物資訊及系統生物研究所
2012新型埋藏式共平面波導之特性與其應用林智鵬; Lin, Chih-Peng; 周復芳; 電信工程研究所