Browsing by Author Lin, H. -Y.

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Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1-Aug-2015The application of the cluster identification method for the detection of leakages in water distribution networksLin, H. -Y.; Lin, B. -W.; Li, P. -H.; Kao, J. -J.; 環境工程研究所; Institute of Environmental Engineering
1-Jan-2008Demonstration of an optical FIFO multiplexerFeng, K-M.; Wu, C. -Y.; Hsueh, D. -H.; Ku, C. -S.; Chang, C. -P.; Lin, H. -Y.; Cheng, J.; Chen, J.; 光電工程學系; Department of Photonics
1-Jan-2019Enhancing the Solubility of n-Type Diketopyrrolopyrrole-Dicyanovinyl Molecules with Hybrid Siloxane Group for Solution-Processable Organic Field-Effect TransistorPrakoso, S. P.; Ciou, G. -T.; Lin, H. -Y.; Peng, W. -C.; Sie, J. -H.; Huang, Y. -F.; Gan, Y. -H.; Ke, Y. -J.; Wu, C. -Y.; Wang, C. -L.; Tao, Y. -T.; 交大名義發表; 應用化學系; National Chiao Tung University; Department of Applied Chemistry
1-Jan-1970Prospective randomized controlled trial comparing treatment efficacy and tolerance of picosecond alexandrite laser with a diffractive lens array and triple combination cream in female asian patients with melasmaWang, Y. -J.; Lin, E. -T.; Chen, Y. -T.; Chiu, P. -C.; Lin, B. -S.; Chiang, H. -M.; Huang, Y. -H.; Wang, K. -Y.; Lin, H. -Y.; Chang, T. -M.; Chang, C. -C.; 影像與生醫光電研究所; Institute of Imaging and Biomedical Photonics
1-Mar-2020Prospective randomized controlled trial comparing treatment efficacy and tolerance of picosecond alexandrite laser with a diffractive lens array and triple combination cream in female asian patients with melasmaWang, Y. -J.; Lin, E. -T.; Chen, Y. -T.; Chiu, P. -C.; Lin, B. -S.; Chiang, H. -M.; Huang, Y. -H.; Wang, K. -Y.; Lin, H. -Y.; Chang, T. -M.; Chang, C. -C.; 影像與生醫光電研究所; Institute of Imaging and Biomedical Photonics