Browsing by Author Lin, Yun-Wei

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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1-Jun-2019AgriTalk: IoT for Precision Soil Farming of Turmeric CultivationChen, Wen-Liang; Lin, Yi-Bing; Lin, Yun-Wei; Chen, Robert; Liao, Jyun-Kai; Ng, Fung-Ling; Chan, Yuan-Yao; Liu, You-Cheng; Wang, Chin-Cheng; Chiu, Cheng-Hsun; Yen, Tai-Hsiang; 生物科技學院; 資訊工程學系; College of Biological Science and Technology; Department of Computer Science
1-Jan-2017ArduTalk: A Graphical Programming tool for Arduino using IoTtalkLin, Yun-Wei; 資訊工程學系; Department of Computer Science
1-Mar-2019ArduTalk: An Arduino Network Application Development Platform Based on IoTtalkLin, Yun-Wei; Lin, Yi-Bing; Yang, Ming-Ta; Lin, Jun-Han; 資訊工程學系; Department of Computer Science
1-Apr-2016Astaxanthin down-regulates Rad51 expression via inactivation of AKT kinase to enhance mitomycin C-induced cytotoxicity in human non-small cell lung cancer cellsKo, Jen-Chung; Chen, Jyh-Cheng; Wang, Tai-Jing; Zheng, Hao-Yu; Chen, Wen-Ching; Chang, Po-Yuan; Lin, Yun-Wei; 科技法律研究所; Institute of Technology Law
1-Jun-2013A Balanced Digital Phase Shifter by a Novel Switching-Mode TopologyLin, Yun-Wei; Chou, Yi-Chieh; Chang, Chi-Yang; 電信工程研究所; Institute of Communications Engineering
2014Broadband Planar Magic-T with Marchand Type Power Divider and BalunChou, Po-Jung; Lin, Pei-Chieh; Lin, Yun-Wei; Lu, Jhe-Ching; Chang, Chi-Yang; 交大名義發表; National Chiao Tung University
1-Jan-2018CampusTalk: IoT Devices and Their Interesting Features on Campus ApplicationsLin, Yi-Bing; Chen, Li-Kuan; Shieh, Min-Zheng; Lin, Yun-Wei; Yen, Tai-Hsiang; 資訊工程學系; 資訊技術服務中心; Department of Computer Science; Information Technology Services Center
15-Sep-2011Curcumin enhances the mitomycin C-induced cytotoxicity via downregulation of MKK1/2-ERK1/2-mediated Rad51 expression in non-small cell lung cancer cellsKo, Jen-Chung; Tsai, Min-Shao; Weng, Shao-Hsing; Kuo, Ya-Hsun; Chiu, Yu-Fan; Lin, Yun-Wei; 科技法律研究所; Institute of Technology Law
1-Jan-2010Design and Implementation of the Canonical-Form-Like Coupling Scheme with Generalized Chebyshev ResponsesLu, Jhe-Ching; Lin, Yun-Wei; Chang, Chi-Yang; 電信工程研究所; Institute of Communications Engineering
1-Jul-2012Design of High-Order Wideband Planar Balun Filter in S-Plane Bandpass PrototypeLin, Yun-Wei; Lu, Jhe-Ching; Chang, Chi-Yang; 電信工程研究所; Institute of Communications Engineering
1-Jan-1970Developing Smart Home ApplicationsLin, Yun-Wei; Tseng, Sheng-Kai; Liao, Jyun-Kai; Hsu, Ta-Hsien; 建築研究所; 資訊工程學系; 智慧科學暨綠能學院; Institude of Architecture; Department of Computer Science; College of Artificial Intelligence
2016EasyConnect 物聯網系統之資料庫、 通訊與執行模組實作戴嘉駿; 林一平; 林勻蔚; Tai, Chia-Chun; Lin, Yi-Bing; Lin, Yun-Wei; 網路工程研究所
Dec-2015EasyConnect: A Management System for IoT Devices and Its Applications for Interactive Design and ArtLin, Yi-Bing; Lin, Yun-Wei; Chih, Chang-Yen; Li, Tzu-Yi; Tai, Chia-Chun; Wang, Yung-Ching; Lin, Fuchun Joseph; Kuo, Hsien-Chung; Huang, Chih-Chieh; Hsu, Su-Chu; 資訊工程學系; Department of Computer Science
2016EasyConnect物聯網系統之介面、設定與管理實作李姿宜; 林一平; 林勻蔚; Li, Tzu-Yi; Lin, Yi-Bing; Lin, Yun-Wei; 網路工程研究所
2016EasyConnect物聯網系統之模擬環境實作王永慶; 林一平; 林勻蔚; Wang, Yung-Ching; Lin, Yi-Bing; Lin, Yun-Wei; 資訊科學與工程研究所
1-Dec-2015Exact Synthesis of Full- and Half-Symmetric Rat-Race Ring Hybrids With or Without Impedance Transforming CharacteristicsChou, Po-Jung; Lin, Yun-Wei; Chang, Chi-Yang; 電信工程研究所; Institute of Communications Engineering
2009Five-Pole Parallel-Coupled Microstrip Cascade Quadruplet Filters for High Selectivity and Flat Group DelayLu, Jhe-Ching; Lin, Yun-Wei; Liao, Ching-Ku; Chang, Chi-Yang; 電信工程研究所; Institute of Communications Engineering
1-Jun-2019Flower Sermon: An Interactive Visual Design Using IoTtalkHsiao, Chung-Yun; Huang, Chih-Chieh; Lin, Yi-Bing; Lin, Yun-Wei; 資訊工程學系; Department of Computer Science
2-Oct-2015A Green Time-Bounded Routing on Solar-Based Vehicular Ad-Hoc NetworksChen, Yuh-Shyan; Lin, Yun-Wei; Wang, Chih-Hao; 資訊工程學系; Department of Computer Science
1-Jan-2010High Selectivity and Flat Group Delay ParallelCoupled Microstrip Bandpass Filter with Lumped Element K-InvertersLin, Yun-Wei; Lu, Jhe-Ching; Chang, Chi-Yang; Liao, Ching-Ku; 電信工程研究所; Institute of Communications Engineering