Browsing by Author Liu, Chen-Lin

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Showing results 1 to 8 of 8
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
11-Sep-2014Core Excitation, Specific Dissociation, and the Effect of the Size of Aromatic Molecules Connected to Oxygen: Phenyl Ether and 1,3-DiphenoxybenzeneLin, Yi-Shiue; Lin, Shu-Yu; Lee, Yuan T.; Tseng, Chien-Ming; Ni, Chi-Kung; Liu, Chen-Lin; Tsai, Cheng-Cheng; Chen, Jien-Lian; Hu, Wei-Ping; 交大名義發表; 應用化學系; National Chiao Tung University; Department of Applied Chemistry
18-Jun-2015Highly Selective Dissociation of a Peptide Bond Following Excitation of Core ElectronsLin, Yi-Shiue; Tsai, Cheng-Cheng; Lin, Huei-Ru; Hsieh, Tsung-Lin; Chen, Jien-Lian; Hu, Wei-Ping; Ni, Chi-Kung; Liu, Chen-Lin; 應用化學系; Department of Applied Chemistry
1-Sep-2015Measurement and prediction of the NEXAFS spectra of pyrimidine and purine and the dissociation following the core excitationLin, Yi-Shiue; Lin, Huei-Ru; Liu, Wei-Lun; Lee, Yuan T.; Tseng, Chien-Ming; Ni, Chi-Kung; Liu, Chen-Lin; Tsai, Cheng-Cheng; Chen, Jien-Lian; Hu, Wei-Ping; 應用化學系; Department of Applied Chemistry
6-Mar-2014Near-Edge X-ray Absorption Fine Structure Spectra and Site-Selective Dissociation of PhenolLin, Yi-Shiue; Lu, Kun-Ta; Lee, Yuan T.; Tseng, Chien-Ming; Ni, Chi-Kung; Liu, Chen-Lin; 應用化學系; Department of Applied Chemistry
1-Aug-2019NEXAFS spectra and specific dissociation of oligo-peptide model moleculesChiang, Yu-Ju; Huang, Wan-Chou; Ni, Chi-Kung; Liu, Chen-Lin; Tsai, Cheng-Cheng; Hu, Wei-Ping; 應用化學系; Department of Applied Chemistry
1-Sep-2016Selectivity of peptide bond dissociation on excitation of a core electron: Effects of a phenyl groupTsai, Cheng-Cheng; Chen, Jien-Lian; Hu, Wei-Ping; Lin, Yi-Shiue; Lin, Huei-Ru; Lee, Tsai-Yun; Lee, Yuan T.; Ni, Chi-Kung; Liu, Chen-Lin; 應用化學系; Department of Applied Chemistry
16-Aug-2018Specific dissociation of core-excited pyrimidine nucleobasesChiang, Yu-Ju; Lin, Yi-Shiue; Lin, Huei-Ru; Liu, Chen-Lin; 應用化學系; Department of Applied Chemistry
2017以oaR-TOF MS結合軟X光探討氣相Gly−Phe與Phe−Gly選擇性斷鍵的可能性以及氣膠質譜儀的設計林惠如; 鄭彥如; 劉振霖; Lin, Huei-Ru; Cheng, Yen-Ju; Liu, Chen-Lin; 應用化學系碩博士班