Browsing by Author Lo, Hung-Chun

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Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1-Nov-2010Electron field emission from well-aligned GaP nanotipsLo, Hung-Chun; Tsai, Jeff T. H.; leu, Jih-Perng; Chen, Chia-Fu; 材料科學與工程學系; Department of Materials Science and Engineering
25-Aug-2008High-density one-dimensional well-aligned germanium quantum dots on a nanoridge arrayChen, Yan-Ru; Kuan, Chieh-Hsiung; Suen, Yuen-Wuu; Peng, Yu-Hwa; Chen, Peng-Shiu; Chao, Cha-Hsin; Liang, Eih-Zhe; Lin, Ching-Fuh; Lo, Hung-Chun; 材料科學與工程學系; Department of Materials Science and Engineering
1-Dec-2007Improved broadband and quasi-omnidirectional anti-reflection properties with biomimetic silicon nanostructuresHuang, Yi-Fan; Chattopadhyay, Surojit; Jen, Yi-Jun; Peng, Cheng-Yu; Liu, Tze-An; Hsu, Yu-Kuei; Pan, Ci-Ling; Lo, Hung-Chun; Hsu, Chih-Hsun; Chang, Yuan-Huei; Lee, Chih-Shan; Chen, Kuei-Hsien; Chen, Li-Chyong; 材料科學與工程學系; 光電工程學系; Department of Materials Science and Engineering; Department of Photonics
15-Jan-2011Label free sub-picomole level DNA detection with Ag nanoparticle decorated Au nanotip arrays as surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy platformLo, Hung-Chun; Hsiung, Hsin-I; Chattopadhyay, Surojit; Han, Hsieh-Cheng; Chen, Chia-Fu; Leu, Jih Perng; Chen, Kuei-Hsien; Chen, Li-Chyong; 材料科學與工程學系; Department of Materials Science and Engineering
2011一維奈米針矩陣的製作與特性分析羅鴻鈞; Lo, Hung-Chun; 呂志鵬; 陳家富; 陳貴賢; 林麗瓊; Leu, Jih-Perng; Chen, Chia-Fu; Chen, Kuei-Hsien; Chen, Li-Chyong; 材料科學與工程學系