Browsing by Author Mao, Chi-Kuo

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Showing results 1 to 12 of 12
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2010The evolutionary process and collaboration in supply chainsCheng, Hsiu-Chun; Chen, Mu-Chen; Mao, Chi-Kuo; 運輸與物流管理系 註:原交通所+運管所; 經營管理研究所; Department of Transportation and Logistics Management; Institute of Business and Management
1-Mar-2008FMS patterns: Penetration vs. traffic substitution in different groups of countriesMao, Chi-Kuo; Tsai, Hsiang-Chih; Chen, Chun-Mei; 管理科學系; 經營管理研究所; Department of Management Science; Institute of Business and Management
2007From benard cell to human organizationMao, Chi-Kuo; 經營管理研究所; Institute of Business and Management
1-Oct-2008Income, affordable and threshold effects on FMS in the developed and developing economiesChen, Chun-Mei; Tsai, Hsiang-Chih; Mao, Chi-Kuo; 經營管理研究所; Institute of Business and Management
1-Dec-2010Post-SARS tourist arrival recovery patterns: An analysis based on a catastrophe theoryMao, Chi-Kuo; Ding, Cherng G.; Lee, Hsiu-Yu; 經營管理研究所; Institute of Business and Management
2005三合一服務競爭策略分析 --有線電視業者對固網電信業者挑戰的因應林三井; Lin, San-Ching; 毛治國; Mao, Chi-Kuo; 管理學院經營管理學程
2009以複雜適應系統理論與資訊科技觀點研究供應鏈的演化現象鄭琇君; Cheng, Hsiu-Chun; 毛治國; Mao, Chi-Kuo; 經營管理研究所
2006企業文化類型與企業之社會責任策略關聯性探討粘瀞予; Nien, Ching-Yu; 毛治國; Mao, Chi-Kuo; 經營管理研究所
2007企業知識管理之個案探討-?以Infosys、豐田以及台灣C公司為例羅文期; Lo, Wen-Chi; 毛治國; Mao, Chi-Kuo; 管理學院經營管理學程
2007台灣卓越中小企業社會責任實務研究--產品、社區關係與人力資源面向鄭正儀; Cheng, Cheng-Yi; 毛治國; Mao, Chi-Kuo; 管理學院經營管理學程
2015政府策略對民間參與建設案之計畫價值效益評估陳博亮; Chen, Borliang; 毛治國; 胡均立; Mao, Chi-Kuo; Hu, Jin-Li; 經營管理研究所
2008領導風格與民營化變革阻礙克服關係之探討:中華電信民營化之個案研究謝志明; Hsieh, Chih-Ming; 王耀德; 毛治國; Wang, Yau-De; Mao, Chi-Kuo; 管理學院管理科學學程