Browsing by Author Sheu, Her-Jiun

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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1-Nov-2010Comprehensive Disclosure of Compensation and Firm Value: The Case of Policy Reforms in an Emerging MarketSheu, Her-Jiun; Chung, Huimin; Liu, Chih-Liang; 交大名義發表; 資訊管理與財務金融系 註:原資管所+財金所; National Chiao Tung University; Department of Information Management and Finance
2009Cost-system choice in a multidimensional knowledge space: traditional versus activity-based costingSheu, Her-Jiun; Pan, Chao-Yi; 管理科學系; 資訊管理與財務金融系 註:原資管所+財金所; Department of Management Science; Department of Information Management and Finance
1-Sep-2009Do firms' earnings management practices affect their equity liquidity?Chung, Huimin; Sheu, Her-Jiun; Wang, Juo-Lien; 管理科學系; 資訊管理與財務金融系 註:原資管所+財金所; Department of Management Science; Department of Information Management and Finance
4-May-2011Dynamics of stock market integration between the US and the BRICSheu, Her-Jiun; Liao, Chun-Huang; 管理科學系; Department of Management Science
1-Jan-2011Effective options trading strategies based on volatility forecasting recruiting investor sentimentSheu, Her-Jiun; Wei, Yu-Chen; 管理科學系; Department of Management Science
2012EMPIRICAL APPLICATION OF THE GREEN HOTEL RATINGSheu, Her-Jiun; Hu, Jin-Li; Shieh, Hwai-Shuh; 管理科學系; 經營管理研究所; 資訊管理與財務金融系 註:原資管所+財金所; Department of Management Science; Institute of Business and Management; Department of Information Management and Finance
1-Oct-2012Excess cash holdings and investment: the moderating roles of financial constraints and managerial entrenchmentSheu, Her-Jiun; Lee, Shiou-Ying; 經營管理研究所; Institute of Business and Management
1-Sep-2010THE INCREMENTAL VALUE OF A FUTURES HEDGE USING REALIZED VOLATILITYLai, Yu-Sheng; Sheu, Her-Jiun; 管理科學系; Department of Management Science
4-Jul-2011A study of US and China's volatility spillover effects on Hong Kong and TaiwanSheu, Her-Jiun; Cheng, Chien-Ling; 經營管理研究所; Institute of Business and Management
1-Nov-2012SYSTEMIC RISK IN TAIWAN STOCK MARKETSheu, Her-Jiun; Cheng, Chien-Ling; 經營管理研究所; Institute of Business and Management
1-Oct-2010Trading platform, market volatility and pricing efficiency in the floor-traded and E-mini index futures marketsChung, Huimin; Sheu, Her-Jiun; Hsu, Shufang; 管理科學系; 資訊管理與財務金融系 註:原資管所+財金所; Department of Management Science; Department of Information Management and Finance
2011以EVA方法探討銀行績效評估-以台灣地區上市上櫃金融控股公司及銀行為例江東益; Chiang, Dung-Yi; 許和鈞; 鍾惠民; Sheu, Her-Jiun; Chung, Hui-Min; 管理學院管理科學學程
2008以Merton違約距離模型預估台灣上市公司違約情形林信國; Lin, Shin-kuo; 周雨田; 許和鈞; Chou, Yeu-Tien; Sheu, Her-Jiun; 管理科學系所
2008公司盈餘管理對其股票流動性之影響效果王若蓮; Wang, Juo-Lien; 許和鈞; Sheu, Her-Jiun; 管理科學系所
2008創業投資公司及輔導推薦證券商對於台灣初次上市櫃公司於興櫃期間交易影響之研究張淑芬; Chang, Shu-Fen; 許和鈞; Sheu, Her-Jiun; 管理學院經營管理學程
2008可轉換公司債回溯定價之研究梁文議; Liang, Wen-Yi; 許和鈞; Sheu, Her-Jiun; 管理學院管理科學學程
2004台灣光電產業成本效率之實證分析張仕欣; Chang, Shih-Shin; 許和鈞; Sheu, Her-Jiun; 管理科學系所
2009台灣記憶體廠商競爭策略之分析:以華邦電子為例葉瑞璊; Yeh, Jun-Men; 許和鈞; 黃星華; Sheu, Her-Jiun; Huang, Hsing-Hua; 管理學院管理科學學程
2009已實現波動度於動態期貨避險之應用賴雨聖; Lai, Yu-Sheng; 許和鈞; Sheu, Her-Jiun; 管理科學系所
2009市場微結構之探討:交易平台與市場競爭分析徐淑芳; Hsu, Shu-Fang; 許和鈞; Sheu, Her-Jiun; 管理科學系所