Browsing by Author Susanto, Hendra

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Showing results 1 to 6 of 6
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Jun-2016Altered plasma acylcarnitine and amino acid profiles in type 2 diabetic kidney diseaseChuang, Wen-Han; Arundhathi, Arivajiagane; Lu, Ching; Chen, Chang-Chiang; Wu, Wan-Chen; Susanto, Hendra; Purnomo, Jerry D. T.; Wang, Chih-Hong; 生物科技學系; 統計學研究所; Department of Biological Science and Technology; Institute of Statistics
1-Jan-2019Enhancing Early Stage of Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Does Correlate to MicroRNA 122 and miR196a Interaction?Susanto, Hendra; Wang, Chih-Hong; Aulanni'am, Aulanni'am; Handaya, Adeodatus Yuda; 生物科技學系; Department of Biological Science and Technology
7-Jan-2016Higher serum betatrophin level in type 2 diabetes subjects is associated with urinary albumin excretion and renal functionChen, Chang-Chiang; Susanto, Hendra; Chuang, Wen-Han; Liu, Ta-Yu; Wang, Chih-Hong; 生物科技學系; Department of Biological Science and Technology
26-Apr-2017Higher serum betatrophin level in type 2 diabetes subjects is associated with urinary albumin excretion and renal function (vol 15, pg 3, 2016)Chen, Chang-Chiang; Susanto, Hendra; Chuang, Wen-Han; Liu, Ta-Yu; Arundhathi, Arivajiagane; Wang, Chih-Hong; 生物科技學系; 分子醫學與生物工程研究所; Department of Biological Science and Technology; Institute of Molecular Medicine and Bioengineering
5-Jul-2016Increased serum levels of betatrophin in pancreatic cancer-associated diabetesSusanto, Hendra; Liu, Ta-Yu; Chen, Chang-Chiang; Purnomo, Jerry D. T.; Chen, Shu-Fan; Wang, Chih-Hong; 生物科技學系; 統計學研究所; Department of Biological Science and Technology; Institute of Statistics
2016探討miR-122a 和Betatrophin在代謝症候群與癌症發展初期是否可作為具潛力的生物指標蘇山崙; 王志宏; Susanto, Hendra; Wang, Chih-Hong; 生物科技學系