Browsing by Author Tong, Lee-Ing

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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1-Apr-2007The application of control chart for defects and defect clustering in IC manufacturing based on fuzzy theoryHsieh, Kun-Lin; Tong, Lee-Ing; Wang, Min-Chia; 工業工程與管理學系; Department of Industrial Engineering and Management
1-Aug-2012Bi-criteria minimization for the permutation flowshop scheduling problem with machine-based learning effectsChung, Yu-Hsiang; Tong, Lee-Ing; 工業工程與管理學系; Department of Industrial Engineering and Management
1-May-2010Continuously Improving Methods for Increasing the Running Efficiency of Equipment in 300-mm Semiconductor FabricationWang, Yu-Chih; Tong, Lee-Ing; 工業工程與管理學系; Department of Industrial Engineering and Management
1-Apr-2011Determining the optimal re-sampling strategy for a classification model with imbalanced data using design of experiments and response surface methodologiesTong, Lee-Ing; Chang, Yung-Chia; Lin, Shan-Hui; 工業工程與管理學系; Department of Industrial Engineering and Management
1-Jan-2018Developing Automatic Form and Design System Using Integrated Grey Relational Analysis and Affective EngineeringLiu, Chen-Yuan; Tong, Lee-Ing; 工業工程與管理學系; Department of Industrial Engineering and Management
1-Jan-2007Development of a new cluster index for wafer defectsTong, Lee-Ing; Wang, Chung-Ho; Chen, Da-Lun; 工業工程與管理學系; Department of Industrial Engineering and Management
2016Establishing decision tree-based short-term default credit risk assessment modelsChang, Yung-Chia; Chang, Kuei-Hu; Chu, Heng-Hsuan; Tong, Lee-Ing; 工業工程與管理學系; Department of Industrial Engineering and Management
1-Jan-2011Forecasting energy consumption using a grey model improved by incorporating genetic programmingLee, Yi-Shian; Tong, Lee-Ing; 工業工程與管理學系; Department of Industrial Engineering and Management
1-Jun-2012Forecasting nonlinear time series of energy consumption using a hybrid dynamic modelLee, Yi-Shian; Tong, Lee-Ing; 工業工程與管理學系; Department of Industrial Engineering and Management
1-Feb-2011Forecasting time series using a methodology based on autoregressive integrated moving average and genetic programmingLee, Yi-Shian; Tong, Lee-Ing; 工業工程與管理學系; Department of Industrial Engineering and Management
2009IECQ-QC080000流程管理系統之建置-以某半導體測試廠為例林威至; Lin,Wei-Chih; 唐麗英; Tong, Lee-Ing; 管理學院工業工程與管理學程
2010LCD零組件出貨品質管制流程之構建-以背光光學特性之管制為例廖和居; Liao, Ho-Chu; 唐麗英; Tong, Lee-Ing; 管理學院工業工程與管理學程
1-Sep-2011Makespan minimization for m-machine permutation flowshop scheduling problem with learning considerationsChung, Yu-Hsiang; Tong, Lee-Ing; 工業工程與管理學系; Department of Industrial Engineering and Management
1-Sep-2013Monitoring the software development process using a short-run control chartChang, Chih-Wei; Tong, Lee-Ing; 工業工程與管理學系; Department of Industrial Engineering and Management
4-May-2008Novel yield model for integrated circuits with clustered defectsTong, Lee-Ing; Chao, Li-Chang; 工業工程與管理學系; Department of Industrial Engineering and Management
1-Feb-2007Optimization of multi-response processes using the VIKOR methodTong, Lee-Ing; Chen, Chi-Chan; Wang, Chung-Ho; 工業工程與管理學系; Department of Industrial Engineering and Management
1-Mar-2012Predicting High or Low Transfer Efficiency of Photovoltaic Systems Using a Novel Hybrid Methodology Combining Rough Set Theory, Data Envelopment Analysis and Genetic ProgrammingLee, Yi-Shian; Tong, Lee-Ing; 工業工程與管理學系; Department of Industrial Engineering and Management
2006Predicting type II censored data from factorial experiments using modified maximum likelihood predictorYang, Chien-Hui; Tong, Lee-Ing; 工業工程與管理學系; Department of Industrial Engineering and Management
2015Quantification of Uncertainty for Emission Estimates using Bootstrap Methods沙密; R.Saminathan; 唐麗英; Tong, Lee-Ing; 工業工程與管理系所
1-Sep-2012Quantifying uncertainty of emission estimates in National Greenhouse Gas Inventories using bootstrap confidence intervalsTong, Lee-Ing; Chang, Chih-Wei; Jin, Shin-En; Saminathan, R.; 交大名義發表; 工業工程與管理學系; National Chiao Tung University; Department of Industrial Engineering and Management