Browsing by Author Tsai, Chi-Yi

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Showing results 1 to 15 of 15
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2008Development of the Robot of Living Aid: RoLASong, Kai-Tai; Tsai, Chi-Yi; Huang, Fu-Sheng; Hong, Jung-Wei; Lin, Chen-Yang; Chen, Chun-Wei; Lin, Zhi-Sheng; 電控工程研究所; Institute of Electrical and Control Engineering
2-Jul-2009Dynamic visual tracking control of a mobile robot with image noise and occlusion robustnessTsai, Chi-Yi; Song, Kai-Tai; 電控工程研究所; Institute of Electrical and Control Engineering
2006Face tracking interaction control of a nonholonomic mobile robotTsai, Chi-Yi; Song, Kai-Tai; 電控工程研究所; Institute of Electrical and Control Engineering
1-Jan-2007Heterogeneity-projection hard-decision color interpolation using spectral-spatial correlationTsai, Chi-Yi; Song, Kai-Tai; 電控工程研究所; Institute of Electrical and Control Engineering
13-Mar-2008Heterogeneity-projection hard-decision interpolation method for color reproductionTsai, Chi-Yi; Song, Kai-Tai
2008Multi-Robot Cooperative Sensing and LocalizationSong, Kai-Tai; Tsai, Chi-Yi; Huang, Cheng-Hsien Chiu; 電控工程研究所; Institute of Electrical and Control Engineering
1-Sep-2007A new edge-adaptive demosaicing algorithm for color filter arraysTsai, Chi-Yi; Song, Kai-Tai; 電控工程研究所; Institute of Electrical and Control Engineering
6-Aug-2009NURSING SYSTEMTsai, Chi-Yi; Huang, Fu-Sheng; Lin, Chen-Yang; Lin, Zhi-Sheng; Chen, Chun-Wei; Song, Kai-Tai
1-Jul-2010ROBUST FACE TRACKING CONTROL OF A MOBILE ROBOT USING SELF-TUNING KALMAN FILTER AND ECHO STATE NETWORKTsai, Chi-Yi; Dutoit, Xavier; Song, Kai-Tai; Van Brussel, Hendrik; Nuttin, Marnix; 電機工程學系; Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
2007Robust mobile robot visual tracking control system using self-tuning Kalman filterTsai, Chi-Yi; Song, Kai-Tai; Dutoit, Xavier; Van Brussel, Hendrik; Nuttin, Marnix; 電控工程研究所; Institute of Electrical and Control Engineering
2005Robust visual tracking control of mobile robots based on an error model in image planeTsai, Chi-Yi; Song, Kai-Tai; 電控工程研究所; Institute of Electrical and Control Engineering
30-Jun-2009Robust visual tracking control system of a mobile robot based on a dual-Jacobian visual interaction modelTsai, Chi-Yi; Song, Kai-Tai; Dutoit, Xavier; Van Brussel, Hendrik; Nuttin, Marnix; 電控工程研究所; Institute of Electrical and Control Engineering
2006Speaker attention system for mobile robots using microphone array and face trackingSong, Kai-Tai; Hu, Jwu-Sheng; Tsai, Chi-Yi; Chou, Chung-Min; Cheng, Chieh- Cheng; Liu, Wei-Han; Yang, Chia-Hsing; 電控工程研究所; Institute of Electrical and Control Engineering
2008Visual state estimation using self-tuning Kalman filter and echo state networkTsai, Chi-Yi; Dutoit, Xavier; Song, Kai-Tai; Van Brussel, Hendrik; Nuttin, Marnix; 電控工程研究所; Institute of Electrical and Control Engineering
1-May-2009Visual Tracking Control of a Wheeled Mobile Robot With System Model and Velocity Quantization RobustnessTsai, Chi-Yi; Song, Kai-Tai; 電控工程研究所; Institute of Electrical and Control Engineering