Browsing by Author Tsai, Chia-Ta

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Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1-Jan-2010Designing predictors of DNA-binding proteinsusing an efficient physicochemical propertymining methodLin, Yih-Jer; Tsai, Chia-Ta; Hol, Shinn-Ying; Tsai, Chia-Ta; Huang, Hui-Ling; Hol, Shinn-Ying; 生物資訊及系統生物研究所; Institude of Bioinformatics and Systems Biology
1-Jan-1970The epidemiology, characteristics and outbreaks of human leptospirosis and the association with animals in Taiwan, 2007-2014: A nationwide database studyTsai, Chia-Ta; Lin, Jiun-Nong; Lee, Chen-Hsiang; Sun, Wu; Chang, Yi-Chin; Chen, Yen-Hsu; Lai, Chung-Hsu; 生醫工程研究所; Institute of Biomedical Engineering
15-Feb-2011Predicting and analyzing DNA-binding domains using a systematic approach to identifying a set of informative physicochemical and biochemical propertiesHuang, Hui-Lin; Lin, I-Che; Liou, Yi-Fan; Tsai, Chia-Ta; Hsu, Kai-Ti; Huang, Wen-Lin; Ho, Shinn-Jang; Ho, Shinn-Ying; 生物科技學系; 生物資訊及系統生物研究所; Department of Biological Science and Technology; Institude of Bioinformatics and Systems Biology
12-May-2020Serum C-reactive protein and procalcitonin values in acute Q fever, scrub typhus, and murine typhusLin, I-Fan; Lin, Jiun-Nong; Tsai, Chia-Ta; Wu, Yu-Ying; Chen, Yen-Hsu; Lai, Chung-Hsu; 生醫工程研究所; Institute of Biomedical Engineering
2015頭載多影像與深度感測器做盲人室內行走之自動導引蔡佳達; Tsai, Chia-Ta; 蔡文祥; Tsai, Wen-Hsiang; 資訊科學與工程研究所