Browsing by Author Wang, Chia-Yu

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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1-Jun-2018Assessing Metacognitive Components in Self-Regulated Reading of Science Texts in E-Based EnvironmentsYen, Miao-Hsuan; Wang, Chia-Yu; Chang, Wen-Hua; Chen, Sufen; Hsu, Ying-Shao; Liu, Tzu-Chien; 教育研究所; Institute of Education
1-Aug-2011Characteristics and Levels of Sophistication: An Analysis of Chemistry Students' Ability to Think with Mental ModelsWang, Chia-Yu; Barrow, Lloyd H.; 教育研究所; Institute of Education
Jan-2016CONTENT ANALYSIS OF 1998-2012 EMPIRICAL STUDIES IN SCIENCE READING USING A SELF-REGULATED LEARNING LENSHsu, Ying-Shao; Yen, Miao-Hsuan; Chang, Wen-Hua; Wang, Chia-Yu; Chen, Sufen; 教育研究所; Institute of Education
1-Jan-2016CONTENT ANALYSIS OF 1998-2012 EMPIRICAL STUDIES IN SCIENCE READING USING A SELF-REGULATED LEARNING LENSHsu, Ying-Shao; Yen, Miao-Hsuan; Chang, Wen-Hua; Wang, Chia-Yu; Chen, Sufen; 教育研究所; Institute of Education
16-Oct-2012Development and implications of technology in reform-based physics laboratoriesChen, Sufen; Lo, Hao-Chang; Lin, Jing-Wen; Liang, Jyh-Chong; Chang, Hsin-Yi; Hwang, Fu-Kwun; Chiou, Guo-Li; Wu, Ying-Tien; Lee, Silvia Wen-Yu; Wu, Hsin-Kai; Wang, Chia-Yu; Tsai, Chin-Chung; 教育研究所; 土木工程學系; Institute of Education; Department of Civil Engineering
1-Jan-1970EEG Dynamics Reflect the Distinct Cognitive Process of Optic Problem SolvingShe, Hsiao-Ching; Jung, Tzyy-Ping; Chou, Wen-Chi; Huang, Li-Yu; Wang, Chia-Yu; Lin, Guan-Yu; 教育研究所; Institute of Education
2013Exploring conceptual frameworks of models of atomic structures and periodic variations, chemical bonding, and molecular shape and polarity: a comparison of undergraduate general chemistry students with high and low levels of content knowledgeWang, Chia-Yu; Barrow, Lloyd H.; 教育研究所; Institute of Education
1-Aug-2015Exploring General Versus Task-Specific Assessments of Metacognition in University Chemistry Students: A Multitrait-Multimethod AnalysisWang, Chia-Yu; 教育研究所; Institute of Education
11-Feb-2015Exploring the Impacts of Cognitive and Metacognitive Prompting on Students\' Scientific Inquiry Practices Within an E-Learning EnvironmentZhang, Wen-Xin; Hsu, Ying-Shao; Wang, Chia-Yu; Ho, Yu-Ting; 教育研究所; Institute of Education
Mar-2016The Intellectual Structure of Metacognitive Scaffolding in Science Education: A Co-citation Network AnalysisTang, Kai-Yu; Wang, Chia-Yu; Chang, Hsin-Yi; Chen, Sufen; Lo, Hao-Chang; Tsai, Chin-Chung; 教育研究所; Institute of Education
2016Load-Balanced User Association and Resource Allocation Under Limited Capacity Backhaul for Small Cell NetworksWang, Chia-Yu; Li, Pei-Rong; Tsai, Chia-Lin; Feng, Kai-Ten; 電機工程學系; Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
1-Dec-2015A review of features of technology-supported learning environments based on participants' perceptionsChang, Hsin-Yi; Wang, Chia-Yu; Lee, Min-Hsien; Wu, Hsin-Kai; Liang, Jyh-Chong; Lee, Silvia W. -Y.; Chiou, Guo-Li; Lo, Hao-Chang; Lin, Jing-Wen; Hsu, Chung-Yuan; Wu, Ying-Tien; Chen, Sufen; Hwang, Fu-Kwun; Tsai, Chin-Chung; 教育研究所; Institute of Education
1-Apr-2014A Review of Research on Technology-Assisted School Science LaboratoriesWang, Chia-Yu; Wu, Hsin-Kai; Lee, Silvia Wen-Yu; Hwang, Fu-Kwun; Chang, Hsin-Yi; Wu, Ying-Tien; Chiou, Guo-Li; Chen, Sufen; Liang, Jyh-Chong; Lin, Jing-Wen; Lo, Hao-Chang; Tsai, Chin-Chung; 教育研究所; Institute of Education
22-Jan-2015Scaffolding Middle School Students\' Construction of Scientific Explanations: Comparing a cognitive versus a metacognitive evaluation approachWang, Chia-Yu; 教育研究所; Institute of Education
1-Jul-2017Supporting technology-enhanced inquiry through metacognitive and cognitive prompts: Sequential analysis of metacognitive actions in response to mixed promptsHsu, Ying-Shao; Wang, Chia-Yu; Zhang, Wen-Xin; 教育研究所; Institute of Education
1-Sep-2012Web-based undergraduate chemistry problem-solving: The interplay of task performance, domain knowledge and web-searching strategiesShe, Hsiao-Ching; Cheng, Meng-Tzu; Li, Ta-Wei; Wang, Chia-Yu; Chiu, Hsin-Tien; Lee, Pei-Zon; Chou, Wen-Chi; Chuang, Ming-Hua; 教育研究所; 應用化學系; Institute of Education; Department of Applied Chemistry
2017利用眼動追蹤技術和眼動回溯自陳探討不同先備知識的大學生其評鑑科學解釋的認知歷程李珂瑋; 王嘉瑜; Lee, Ke-Wei; Wang, Chia-Yu; 教育研究所
2013在消褪中的延續王佳渝; Wang, Chia-Yu; 賴雯淑; Lai, Wen-Shu; 應用藝術研究所
2011探討利用「動態表徵」與「靜態表徵」教學對概念學習成效影響之研究-以「波的重疊原理」單元為例張力夫; Chang, Li-Fu; 裘性天; 王嘉瑜; Chiou, Shing-Tian; Wang, Chia-Yu; 理學院科技與數位學習學程
2015探討動態或靜態表徵輔以序列式問題鷹架對拋體運動概念學習表現之影響張朝閔; Chang, Chao-Min; 王嘉瑜; Wang, Chia-Yu; 理學院科技與數位學習學程