Browsing by Author Wang, Chun-Chi

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Showing results 1 to 6 of 6
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Feb-2017ESD Protection Design for Touch Panel Control IC Against Latchup-Like Failure Induced by System-Level ESD TestKer, Ming-Dou; Chiu, Po-Yen; Shieh, Wuu-Trong; Wang, Chun-Chi; 電子工程學系及電子研究所; Department of Electronics Engineering and Institute of Electronics
1-Jan-2017ESD-Induced Latchup-Like Failure in a Touch Panel Control ICKer, Ming-Dou; Chiu, Po-Yen; Shieh, Wuu-Trong; Wang, Chun-Chi; 電子工程學系及電子研究所; Department of Electronics Engineering and Institute of Electronics
1-Dec-2014Genotyping of exons 1 to 20 in Duchenne muscular dystrophy by universal multiplex PCR and short-end capillary electrophoresisSyu, Jing-Rou; Wang, Chun-Chi; Jong, Yuh-Jyh; Wu, Shou-Mei; 生物科技學院; College of Biological Science and Technology
16-Jun-2015Label-Free Fluorescent Copper Nanoclusters for Genotyping of Deletion and Duplication of Duchenne Muscular DystrophyChen, Chung-An; Wang, Chun-Chi; Jong, Yuh-Jyh; Wu, Shou-Mei; 生物科技學院; College of Biological Science and Technology
2014A "turn on/off" scorpion biosensor targeting point mutation of SMN genes for diagnosis of spinal muscular atrophyChen, Chung-An; Wang, Chun-Chi; Chen, Yen-Ling; Jong, Yuh-Jyh; Wu, Shou-Mei; 生物科技學院; College of Biological Science and Technology
23-Jun-2014Universal fluorescent tri-probe ligation equipped with capillary electrophoresis for targeting SMN1 and SMN2 genes in diagnosis of spinal muscular atrophyWang, Chun-Chi; Shih, Chi-Jen; Jong, Yuh-Jyh; Wu, Shou-Mei; 生物科技學院; College of Biological Science and Technology