Browsing by Author Wu, Cheng-Wei

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 20
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1-Jan-2017Analyzing Students' Attention in Class Using Wearable DevicesZhang, Xin; Wu, Cheng-Wei; Fournier-Viger, Philippe; Van, Lan-Da; Tseng, Yu-Chee; 資訊工程學系; Department of Computer Science
1-Jan-2017Applying Machine Learning to Head Gesture Recognition using WearablesWu, Cheng-Wei; Yang, Hua-Zhi; Chen, Yan-Ann; Ensa, Bajo; Ren, Yi; Tseng, Yu-Chee; 資訊工程學系; Department of Computer Science
1-Jan-2016Efficient Algorithms for Mining Top-K High Utility ItemsetsTseng, Vincent S.; Wu, Cheng-Wei; Fournier-Viger, Philippe; Yu, Philip S.; 資訊工程學系; Department of Computer Science
1-Jan-2015Efficient Mining of High-Utility Sequential RulesZida, Souleymane; Fournier-Viger, Philippe; Wu, Cheng-Wei; Lin, Jerry Chun-Wei; Tseng, Vincent S.; 資訊工程學系; Department of Computer Science
1-Jan-2017Efficiently mining high utility sequential patterns in static and streaming dataZihayat, Morteza; Wu, Cheng-Wei; An, Aijun; Tseng, Vincent S.; Lin, Chien; 資訊工程學系; Department of Computer Science
2016EFIM-Closed: Fast and Memory Efficient Discovery of Closed High-Utility ItemsetsFournier-Viger, Philippe; Zida, Souleymane; Lin, Jerry Chun-Wei; Wu, Cheng-Wei; Tseng, Vincent S.; 資訊工程學系; Department of Computer Science
1-May-2017EFIM: a fast and memory efficient algorithm for high-utility itemset miningZida, Souleymane; Fournier-Viger, Philippe; Lin, Jerry Chun-Wei; Wu, Cheng-Wei; Tseng, Vincent S.; 資訊工程學系; Department of Computer Science
1-Jan-2015EFIM: A Highly Efficient Algorithm for High-Utility Itemset MiningZida, Souleymane; Fournier-Viger, Philippe; Lin, Jerry Chun-Wei; Wu, Cheng-Wei; Tseng, Vincent S.; 資訊工程學系; Department of Computer Science
1-Jan-2018Eye On You: Fusing Gesture Data from Depth Camera and Inertial Sensors for Person IdentificationChang, Wei-Chun; Wu, Cheng-Wei; Tsai, Richard Yi-Chia; Lin, Kate Ching-Ju; Tseng, Yu-Chee; 資訊工程學系; Department of Computer Science
1-Jan-2017Flowtable-Free Routing for Data Center Networks: A Software-Defined ApproachRen, Yi; Tsai, Tsung-Han; Huang, Ji-Cheng; Wu, Cheng-Wei; Tseng, Yu-Chee; 資訊工程學系; Department of Computer Science
2015IC設計產業導入軟體生命週期管理系統個案研究:以K公司為例吳政偉; Wu, Cheng-Wei; 李永銘; Li, Yung-Ming; 管理學院資訊管理學程
1-Jan-2017iToy: A LEGO-like Solution for Small Scale IoT ApplicationsRen, Yi; Alfiansyah, Muhammad; Wibowo, Nyoto Arif; Wu, Cheng-Wei; Geng, JieFu; Tseng, Yu-Chee; 資訊工程學系; Department of Computer Science
2015Mining Closed(+) High Utility Itemsets without Candidate GenerationWu, Cheng-Wei; Fournier-Viger, Philippe; Gu, Jia-Yuan; Tseng, Vincent S.; 資訊工程學系; Department of Computer Science
1-Jan-2015Mining High Utility Itemsets in Big DataLin, Ying Chun; Wu, Cheng-Wei; Tseng, Vincent S.; 資訊工程學系; Department of Computer Science
2016Mining Minimal High-Utility ItemsetsFournier-Viger, Philippe; Lin, Jerry Chun-Wei; Wu, Cheng-Wei; Tseng, Vincent S.; Faghihi, Usef; 資訊工程學系; Department of Computer Science
1-Jan-2017Qnalyzer: Queuing Recognition Using Accelerometer and Wi-Fi SignalsWu, Zone-Ze; Wu, Cheng-Wei; Van, Lan-Da; Tseng, Yu-Chee; 資訊工程學系; Department of Computer Science
1-Jan-2017Time-Dependent Smart Data Pricing Based on Machine LearningTsai, Yi-Chia; Cheng, Yu-Da; Wu, Cheng-Wei; Lai, Yueh-Ting; Hu, Wan-Hsun; Jeng, Jeu-Yih; Tseng, Yu-Chee; 資訊工程學系; Department of Computer Science
2015UP-Miner: A Utility Pattern Mining ToolboxTseng, Vincent S.; Wu, Cheng-Wei; Lin, Jun-Han; Fournier-Viger, Philippe; 資訊工程學系; Department of Computer Science
2012外加電場下無應力GaAs/AlGaAs量子點的光學異向性吳晟煒; Wu, Cheng-Wei; 鄭舜仁; Cheng, Shun-Jen; 電子物理系所
2013建構台灣花卉市場拍賣銷售總額之預測模型吳晟瑋; Wu, Cheng-Wei; 唐麗英; 梁高榮; Tong, Lee-Ing; Liang, Gau-Rong; 工業工程與管理系所