Browsing by Author Wu, TM

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Showing results 1 to 18 of 18
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1-Jul-2000Characteristics of instantaneous resonant modes in simple dense fluids with short-ranged repulsive interactionsWu, TM; Ma, WJ; Chang, SL; 物理研究所; Institute of Physics
7-Feb-2003Conservation constraints on random matricesMa, WJ; Wu, TM; Hsieh, J; 物理研究所; Institute of Physics
1-Mar-1999Dynamics of atomic pairs in a Lennard-Jones fluid: Mean relative displacement analysisWu, TM; Chang, SL; 物理研究所; Institute of Physics
1-Feb-2000Electron-phonon scattering times in three-dimensional disordered Sb filmsLin, JJ; Li, TJ; Wu, TM; 電子物理學系; 物理研究所; Department of Electrophysics; Institute of Physics
1-Jan-1999Evidence for instantaneous resonant modes in dense fluids with repulsive Lennard-Jones forceWu, TM; Ma, WJ; 物理研究所; Institute of Physics
1-Jan-1999Evidence for instantaneous resonant modes in dense fluids with repulsive Lennard-Jones forceWu, TM; Ma, WJ; 物理研究所; Institute of Physics
22-Nov-1996Instantaneous normal mode analysis of liquid NaWu, TM; Tsay, SF; 物理研究所; Institute of Physics
22-Nov-1996Instantaneous normal mode analysis of liquid NaWu, TM; Tsay, SF; 物理研究所; Institute of Physics
22-Aug-2004Instantaneous normal mode analysis of orientational motions in liquid water: Local structural effectsChang, SL; Wu, TM; Mou, CY; 物理研究所; Institute of Physics
1-Aug-2001Instantaneous resonant modes in high-temperature gallium liquidsWu, TM; Tsay, SF; Chang, SL; Ma, WJ; 物理研究所; Institute of Physics
2004The instantaneous-normal-mode analysis on the potential energy landscapes of the Lennard-Jones 2n-n fluidsWu, TM; Chang, SL; 物理研究所; Institute of Physics
1-Apr-2003Level statistics of Hessian matrices: random matrices with conservation constraintsMa, WJ; Wu, TM; Hsieh, J; Chang, SL; 物理研究所; Institute of Physics
1-May-2002Local geometric structures of instantaneous resonant modes in Ga liquidsWu, TM; Ma, WJ; Chang, SL; Tsay, SF; 物理研究所; Institute of Physics
10-Jan-2006Local structural effects on low-frequency vibrational spectrum of liquid water: The instantaneous-normal-mode analysisTsai, KH; Wu, TM; 物理研究所; Institute of Physics
1997Localized instantaneous normal modes in liquid NaWu, TM; Tsay, SF; 物理研究所; Institute of Physics
22-May-2005Mechanism for singular behavior in vibrational spectra of topologically disordered systems: Short-range attractionsWu, TM; Chang, SL; Tsai, KH; 物理研究所; Institute of Physics
15-Jun-2000Microscopic morphology and energy surface landscape in a supercooled soft-sphere systemMa, WJ; Wu, TM; 物理研究所; Institute of Physics
14-Jul-2000A possible nonpolar solvation mechanism at an intermediate time scale: the solvent-cage expansionChang, SL; Wu, TM; 物理研究所; Institute of Physics