Browsing by Author Wu, Tung-Ho

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Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1-Oct-2019Activation of Angiogenesis and Wound Healing in Diabetic Mice Using NO-Delivery Dinitrosyl Iron ComplexesChen, Yu-Jen; Wu, Shou-Cheng; Wang, Hsiang-Ching; Wu, Tung-Ho; Yuan, Shyng-Shiou F.; Lu, Tsai-Te; Liaw, Wen-Feng; Wang, Yun-Ming; 交大名義發表; National Chiao Tung University
28-Nov-2013Development of a Mucin4-Targeting SPIO Contrast Agent for Effective Detection of Pancreatic Tumor Cells in Vitro and in VivoWu, Shou-Cheng; Chen, Yu-Jen; Lin, Yi-Jan; Wu, Tung-Ho; Wang, Yun-Ming; 生物科技學系; Department of Biological Science and Technology
27-Aug-2020Humanized bispecific antibody (mPEG x HER2) rapidly confers PEGylated nanoparticles tumor specificity for multimodality imaging in breast cancerCheng, Yi-An; Wu, Tung-Ho; Wang, Yun-Ming; Cheng, Tian-Lu; Chen, I-Ju; Lu, Yun-Chi; Chuang, Kuo-Hsiang; Wang, Chih-Kuang; Chen, Chiao-Yun; Lin, Rui-An; Chen, Huei-Jen; Liao, Tzu-Yi; Liu, En-Shuo; Chen, Fang-Ming; 生物科技學系; Department of Biological Science and Technology
22-Jul-2020Label-Free Bimetallic In Situ-Grown 3D Nickel-Foam-Supported NH2-MIL-88B(Fe2Co)-MOF-based Impedimetric Immunosensor for the Detection of Cardiac Troponin IPalanisamy, Sathyadevi; Raja, Duraisamy Senthil; Subramani, Boopathi; Wu, Tung-Ho; Wang, Yun-Ming; 生物資訊及系統生物研究所; Institude of Bioinformatics and Systems Biology
2015如何藉由策略聯盟贏取中階智慧型手機市場之探索性研究吳東和; Wu, Tung-Ho; 朱博湧; Chu, Po-Young; 管理學院高階主管管理碩士學程