Browsing by Author Yi-Hui Tai

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Showing results 1 to 12 of 12
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Dec-2021Different pay-performance sensitivity in family firms: A perspective of the family incentive alignment hypothesisYi-Hui Tai
Dec-2021Does the release of corporate governance evaluation information decrease information asymmetry? Evidence from TaiwanYi-Hui Tai
1-Jun-2017Earnings management in family firms: The role of inside directorsYi-Hui Tai
Jun-2023Fair value measurements of financial assets and audit fees for the non-banking industry: The role of corporate governanceYi-Hui Tai
Jun-2022Inside directors’ characteristics and accruals management: The roles of controlling shareholders’ control-cash flow rights deviation, accounting background, and family memberYi-Hui Tai; Ying-Chieh Wang
2012Product-Mix Decision Integrated with ABC for Better Profitability Management: The Case of Communications Equipment Firm in Taiwan戴怡蕙; 王文英; 張玉輝; Yi-Hui Tai; Wen-Ying Wang; Yu-Huei Chang; Department of Management Science; 管理科學學系
Jun-2020The relation between financial statement quality and dividend payout: The role of information asymmetryYi-Hui Tai
Dec-2020The relationship between composition of inside directors’ compensation and firm’s future performance: The influence of uncertaintyYi-Hui Tai; Chia-Ling Lee
1-Jul-2020盈餘公告時點與盈餘品質戴怡蕙; Yi-Hui Tai
1-Jul-2019總經理特質對於家族持股與公司績效關聯性之影響戴怡蕙; Yi-Hui Tai
1-Jan-2018限制員工權利新股制度對企業績效及盈餘管理之影響蘇怡蕙; 王盈傑; Yi-Hui Tai; Ying-Chieh Wang
1-Apr-2019高階經營團隊的私有資訊分享功能對其當期薪酬與前期績效關聯性影響戴怡蕙; 曾智揚; Yi-Hui Tai; Chih-Yang Tseng