Title: | 中央推動公路公共運輸永續發展之財務機制研議 The proposal of the financial mechanism for the central government to implement the sustainable development of highway public transportation |
Authors: | 邱裕鈞 國立交通大學 |
Keywords: | 公路公共運輸計畫;公共運輸基金;次類別;民間參與;專案核定;Highway public transportation;Public transportation fund;Sub-sector development plan;Private participation;Project-based budgeting |
Issue Date: | 2014 |
Abstract: | 為提供民眾便捷的公路公共運輸服務,交通部已陸續編列3 年150 億(99-101年)及4 年200 億(102-106 年)的公路公共運輸計畫(公運計畫)經費,由人本與永續之觀點進行我國公共運輸服務現況之改善,以創造有利的經營條件,提升公共運輸使用率,降低私人運具產生的交通擁塞、交通事故、能源消耗與空氣污染。惟以往相關計畫係以編列預算及專案核定方式逐年申請,囿於預算審查及運用方式等相關法令限制,難以確保經費規模,而以傳統預算編列方式,也難發揮穩定財源及循環利用之功能,也無法達到地方政府及民間業者擴大發展與永續經營之期待。
基此,本研究乃先就現行公運計畫推動所面臨之挑戰及已達成之成效加以檢討,並參考國外先進國家推動相關政策之經驗,針對我國公路公共運輸發展之財源規劃(經費需求與來源)、財務機制(資金調度、發行公債、循環利用)、審議作業,以及追蹤管理等,依不同公路公共運輸補貼與補助項目之性質,分別加以研析。同時,依成立基金、成立次類別、民間參與,以及專案核定等方式進行評估,並提出具體計畫及配套措施,俾利106 年「公路公共運輸提昇計畫」屆期時,推動下一階段公運計畫之政策參考。 To provide a convenient and high-quality highway public transportation service, Ministry of Transportation and Communications (MOTC) has been implemented two phases highway public transportation development and promotion projects, respectively from 2010-2012 and 2013-2017 with a budget of 5 billion NT dollars per year to improve highway public transportation systems, so as to create a better operating environment for highway public transportation and to attract more private vehicles users towards transportation sustainability. However, since the projects are mainly financially supported by traditional budgeting processes which are lack of sustainable funding and circulating mechanisms, making the expectation of local governments and operators for the expanding and sustainable operation of highway public transportation hard to meet. Based on this, this study aims to carefully investigate the challenges faced and performance obtained by current highway public transportation development and promotion projects and to systematically review the related experiences of other countries. Secondly, this study will analyze and discuss the financial funding planning (project scale and funding sources), financial mechanism (fund dispatching, government bonds issuing, circulating), review processes, and evaluation processes according to the properties of various subsidized sub-projects. Most importantly, various feasible funding approaches, including the establishment of highway public transportation fund, sub-sector development plan, private participation, and project-based budgeting review, etc, will be carefully evaluated and compared along with their corresponding review procedures and mechanisms so as to be as the step stone for proposing the next phase highway public transportation project. |
Gov't Doc #: | MOTC-IOT-103-MEB006 |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/100050 https://www.grb.gov.tw/search/planDetail?id=8291559&docId=437930 |
Appears in Collections: | Research Plans |