标题: 对于分散式以及云端计算环境中零时攻击的处理与反应
Respond to Zero-Day Attacks in Distributed Computing and Cloud Computing Environments
作者: 吴育松
Wu Yu-Sung
关键字: 入侵反制;入侵侦测;Web Application;云端计算;零时攻击
公开日期: 2010
摘要: 在分散式系统中的零时攻击(未知型攻击)是一种透过一系列未知或未公开的系统弱点作为渠道的电脑安全攻击行为。由于对此类攻击是透过未知的系统弱点,意谓其所相应的攻击行为模式亦非事前可以预知的,也因此在防范上是极度的困难。我们计画针对分散式系统环境中零时攻击开发相应的入侵反制系统(Intrusion Response System)。入侵反制系统的工作基本原理是在攻击行为进行的过程中,采取一些反制动作来阻隔攻击行为。然而,由于零时攻击的行为模式(攻击图)是未知的,已知的入侵反制系统多半只能采取预设的反制动作,这些反制动作往往无法达成预期的效果,亦或是采取了过当的措施导致不必要的系统运作中断。详细来说,在本计画中我们先提出了一套线上的动态攻击图生成过程。我们透过入侵侦测器的警报以及对被保护系统的架构描述作为生成攻击图的参数。另一方面,我们亦提出了一个称为“攻击图概念化”的观念。我们分别对于受保护系统中的系统元件以及入侵侦测器定义两个类型架构。然后,对于攻击图中的各节点分别进行一个基于此二类型架构图的抽象化动作。攻击图概念化可以帮助我们从过往已经发生过的攻击中找寻与一个正在发生的零时攻击间的相关讯息。这些讯息可以帮助提升入侵反制系统所采取的反制动作的准确性与效果。
运端计算正逐步地被应用在我们生活中的各个层面。对于透过入侵反制技术来抵御云端计算环境中的安全攻击也因此是个很重要的课题。云端计算大致可分为三型:基础建设服务型、平台服务型、以及软体服务型。 云端计算在架构上承袭了分散式运算的概念。更有趣的是很多云端计算的应用本身也包含了分散式计算的概念于其中。比如说Amazon的EC2云端服务就被用于建构电子商务平台、媒体播放平台、搜寻引擎、应用程式代管等具备分散式运算概念的服务。在本计画的后期,我们将基于我们在分散式系统环境中入侵反制系统的经验与技术来针对诸如Amazon EC2基础建设服务型的云环境开发相应的入侵反制系统。我们计画将我们的入侵反制系统与Amazon EC2中所采用的 Xen® Hypervisor虚拟机器监视器整合。如此一来我们将能对云端环境中的应用程式提供入侵反制的能力。此外,由于我们是把入侵反制系统整合在虚拟机器监视器中,也因此具有不需要对于受保护的应用程式作任何修改或额外的设定的好处。
Zero-day attack or unknown attack exploits unknown or undisclosed vulnerabilities and can result in devastating damages. We approach the problem from an intrusion response system (IRS) point of view, which deploys responses to contain an ongoing attack in a distributed computing environment. For a zero-day attack, the escalation pattern, commonly represented as an attack graph, is not known a priori. Hence, current IRS can only provide ineffective or drastic responses. We propose an online attack graph generation process, which creates attack graph for a zero-day attack at runtime based on received detector alerts and a specification of the underlying system. We also propose a technique, which “conceptualizes” nodes in an attack graph, whereby they are generalized based on the object-oriented hierarchy for components and detector alerts. This is done based on our insight that high-level manifestations of zero-day attacks can bear similarity with those of previously seen attacks. This technique helps identify the similarities between a zero-day attack and some past attack, which will allow more precise and more effective response against a zero-day attack.
Intrusion response for (zero-day) attacks plays a critical role in the security of cloud computing. Cloud computing offers an infrastructure, a platform, or a service (the cloud), on which computing tasks are consolidated and supported. The architecture of cloud computing itself is based on distributed computing, and more interestingly, many cloud applications also involve distributed computing. For instance, enterprises have been using Amazon EC2 cloud to build the distributed computing environments to serve different tasks such as e-commerce, media hosting, search engines, application hosting, etc. Inherently, cloud computing faces the threat from those security attacks in distributed computing. We are thereby interested in using our IRS technology to protect the cloud computing environment from these attacks. Specifically, the proposed IRS system will be incorporated into Xen® Hypervisor, which is the virtualization technology used by Amazon EC2 cloud to provision virtual instances of computing resources. Through this integration, our IRS can protect the applications in the cloud in a transparent manner. The protected application does not need special configuration or additional modification with the proposed approach.
官方说明文件#: NSC99-2218-E009-010-MY3
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/100068
显示于类别:Research Plans