Title: 手機電玩置入性行銷說服效果之探討
Product Placement in Mobile Phone Games--- The Impact on Persuasion
Authors: 林慧斐
Lin Hui-Fei
Keywords: 手機遊戲;置入性行銷;注意力有限空間模式;廣告效果;mobile phone games;product placement;the limited-capacity model of attention;persuasion effect
Issue Date: 2010
Abstract: 手機電玩置入性行銷說服效果之探討 (摘要)
過去有關置入性行銷的研究大多著力於電視節目與電影情節的置入(Law &
Braun, 2000),近年來隨著遊戲產業的蓬勃發展,已經有研究學者陸續投入線上
和電腦遊戲置入性行銷的研究 (Nelson, 2002; Nelson, Yaros, & Keum, 2006; Lee
& Faber, 2007; Yang & Wang, 2008)。然而,從心理學角度來探究其他娛樂媒體,
間模型(The Limited-Capacity Model of Attention)與說服知識模式(Persuasion
Knowledge Model)為理論基礎來檢驗:1) 手機電玩種類、所置入之品牌種類、
置入位置、置入方式 (音樂置入行銷 vs. 無音樂置入性行銷)對玩家立即記憶、
電玩音樂置入行銷中所置入產品的知曉與記憶之影響。本研究問題包括:1) 手
機電玩置入行銷的效果為何?;2) 哪些因素會影響手機電玩置入性行銷的效
果?;3) 玩家如何看待手機電玩中所置入的品牌?
本研究將執行一個前測、一個2 (遊戲總類:高專注度 x 低專注度) x 2 (置入
位置:中心vs.周邊) x 2 (品牌種類: 高熟悉度品牌vs.低熟悉度品牌) x 2 (置入方
Product Placement in Mobile Phone Games: The Impact on Persuasion
Various past researches have studied product placement, such as in television shows
(Law & Braun, 2000). Some studies have begun to examine brand placement in computer or
on-line games (Nelson, 2002; Nelson, Yaros, & Keum, 2006; Lee & Faber, 2007; Yang &
Wang, 2008). However, the effectiveness of brand placement in other entertainment media,
especially mobile phone games, from psychological aspects has received little attention.
Furthermore, due to the increase of product placement in mobile phone games, it would be
valuable to gain insights into the game players’ perceptions of the impact of product
placement in mobile game on game players’ memory, attitudes towards product placements in
games and their purchase intention. In addition, researches have rarely tested the use of music
as a memory cue to increase users’ memories of products embedded in the games. It would be
interesting to examine whether raising awareness of brand names by music within a game can
gain a player’s awareness successfully.
Thus, the purpose of this current research is to explore the effect of product placement on
mobile phone games on persuasion. Specifically, this study will examine 1) whether the type
of games, the type of brands, location of product placement, and type of placement (games
with music vs. games without music) on mobile phone games will affect gamers’ memory
directly after playing game and at a five-month delay, attitudes towards the advertisement,
attitudes towards product placement, and purchase intention; 2) Whether the use of music can
increase users’ awareness and memory of brands placed in mobile phone games.
In order to extend extant literature on product placement, the following research
questions are addressed: What is the effect of product placement on mobile phone games?
What are the factors that influence the impact of product placement on mobile phone games
on persuasion? How do game players process products or brands embedded in mobile phone
One pretest, one 2 (Type of games: high level of attention x low level of attention) x 2
(Location of placement: focal vs. peripheral) x 2 (Type of brand: high familiarity brand vs.
low familiarity brand) x 2 (kind of placement in game: games with music vs. games without
music) between-subjects design and one memory test of a five-month delay will be conducted.
The findings are expected to both provide theoretical and Practical Contributions. Extending
prior product placement research by incorporating the notion of the type of games, the type of
brands, and location of product placement with music placement in mobile games could
invaluably provide a more comprehensive theoretical contribution to explain product
placement effects in mass communication. In addition, the findings are expected to advise
marketing communication practices about whether the mobile phone is a better platform to
execute the strategy of product placement and the means to employ product integration via
mobile phones to effectively reach their target consumers.
Gov't Doc #: NSC99-2410-H009-001
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/100121
Appears in Collections:Research Plans