Title: 主動式雷射尋標器前瞻技術研究
Study of Advanced Technology for Active Laser Seeker
Authors: 陳永富
Keywords: 光子晶體光纖;被動式Q 開關;光纖放大器;雷射尋標器;三維物體辨識;旋轉影像;對稱性分析;主成份分析法;photonic crystal fiber;passive Q-switched;fiber amplifier;laser range finder;3D recognition;spin-image;vertex interpolation;principle component analysis (PCA);bilateral symmetry analysis.
Issue Date: 2010
Abstract: 隨著雷射測距儀的不斷發展,現今已應用在許多不同的領域,像是地形地貌監測、 三維立體物的量測等等。藉由三維雷射影像掃描儀能取得物體的距離影像以及強度影 像,可以提供物體表面的三度空間的資訊。相較於傳統利用立體視覺影像產生的深度資 訊,三維雷射影像掃描儀除了有不需要校正相機參數的優點外,還能提供較精確的量測 結果。利用這些特點,可以在取得物體表面資訊後,發展一套三次元影像識別的技術, 進行三維物體的辨識。 本計畫將建立雷射尋標之前瞻技術的基礎,目標規格為≧100 kHz,平均輸出功率 ≧5 W,脈衝寬度50-100 ns 的高重複率光纖雷射。藉由本計畫建立雷射尋標之前瞻技術 的研究基礎,並朝著脈衝能量、脈衝寬度符合軍方需求的高重複率光纖雷射努力。未來, 如何強化雷射的穩定與耐衝擊性,包含如何將系統光纖化等關鍵技術,也是值得研究的 方向。本計畫另一重點係針對三次元影像辨識技術的發展進行研究,主要可以分為五大 部份:(a)場景點雲資料的前處理,包含雜訊濾除與背景剔除 (b)點雲資料的三維幾何特 性分群,將點雲資料根據不同的三維幾何特性加以分類,應用於場景的分割 (c)以三維 線索法為基礎的快速資料庫檢索,找出分割後的區域場景所對應的可能目標物模型 (d) 多重精細度的點雲資料處理,使得在任意解析度下取得的場景,都可以對應到合適的目 標物模型 (e)建立三維表面特徵與研發識別法則,使用一個與姿態無關的物體特徵,可 以解決物體的特徵影像不隨著姿態改變而改變。最後,整合以上五個部份,發展出本計 畫的三維物體偵測與識別法則。
The laser range finder technology is used in many domains, like distance measurement, terrain monitor and 3-D object measurement. Both the range image and the intensity image of object will be acquired by the 3-D image laser scanner. The range image can provide 3-D information about object. Compares with depth information which is produced by the traditional stereoscopic vision image, the advantages of using 3-D image laser scanner are avoiding camera calibration and obtaining accurate result. Hence, the 3-D surface contour is obtained by 3-D image laser scanner can be used for 3-D object recognition. In order to develop an algorithm of 3-D object recognition, the most important thing in this project is to extract a pose-independent feature. High-power light sources in the eye-safe wavelength regime near 1.55-m have many potential applications in free-space communication, range finding, nonlinear frequency conversion, and medical surgery. These prospective applications have led to the erbium-ytterbium-codoped double-clad fiber laser to receive a great deal of interest during the past years. Er3+ and Yb3+ codoped gain materials are generally significantly superior to Er3+-doped gain media because the incorporation of Yb3+ ions considerably enhances the pump absorption, reduces the clustering of Er3+ ions, and allows for higher Er3+ concentrations without strong quenching effects. Q Switching is an effective approach to intensify the laser peak power. Among various Q switching methods, passive Q switching by use of a saturable absorber is a simple, convenient, and efficient way to achieve high-peak-power pulses. However, the actively Q-switched fiber lasers generate more stable and controllable pulse train. For specific military purpose, the target of this project is to develop the 5-W eye-safe actively Q-switched fiber laser with the pulse width of 50-100 ns and the repetition rate of the pulse laser would be more than 100 kHz. The study of this 3-D object recognition project divides into five parts: (a) the pre-processing of point cloud data (PCD), including 3D noise filtering and background elimination, (b) a point cloud classification based on the type of surface the point is lying on, (c) a fast model retrieval method based on 3D cueing, this can be applied to scene segmentation and finding the candidate models in the database, (d) multi-resolution point cloud processing, this approach handles the consistency of the sampling data in different resolutions, and (e) creating surface features and developing 3-D object recognition algorithm, the concept of spin image is introduced in pose-independent feature extraction. In short, all pose-independent features of 3-D models in this project are generated based on this characteristic. Indeed, the 3-D object recognition approach integrates all above parts in this project.
Gov't Doc #: NSC99-2623-E009-006-D
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/100149
Appears in Collections:Research Plans