Title: 從Web 2.0到Web 3.0---資訊科技對學習動機、歷程與評量的影響-子計畫一---輔助線上延伸閱讀之搜尋與註記---學習科技如何促進與阻礙科學文章之理解與想像
Online Search and Annotation Supports for Extensive Reading--- How Learning Technology Promotes and Hinders K to 12 Students' Understanding of Scientific Expository Text and Imagination
Authors: 林珊如
Keywords: 線上搜尋 註記 線上閱讀 延伸閱讀 成就目標;Online Search;Annotation;Online Reading;Extensive Reading;Achievement Goal
Issue Date: 2010
Abstract: 輔助線上延伸閱讀之搜尋與註記: 學習科技如何促進與阻礙科學文章之理解與想像 本研究把閱讀理解科學領域的說明文轉化為典型的資訊解決問題歷程,給學生一篇 英文版科學說明文,就是一個複雜的待解問題或任務(步驟一)。僅僅閱讀個人手上的資 料仍不足以達成理解時,必須搜尋查閱網路資料(使用電子辭典, wikii, google scholar, 或 學術線上資料庫等)(步驟二)。尋找相關資料來輔佐解決問題,所搜尋來的資料能不能輔 助理解是需要瀏覽、審視與研判的(步驟三)。此時如果有電子註記工具能幫助記憶與整 理資料,有標籤工具能分類、歸納、連結所得的網頁資料,才能達成有效的訊息處理或 策略性閱讀(步驟四)。到了第五步驟是要報告所完成的任務—所理解的概念。 選擇科學文本,以國高中課程的聲音、光、與電等單元之相關英文延伸閱讀文本為 範圍,選用的網頁文本將由物理學教授檢查概念正確性後使用。我們將選擇兩個國中與 高中辦理英文科學閱讀社團,並在寒暑假課輔營隊中安排英文科學閱讀課程,作為本計 劃的教學與資料蒐集的基本場地,鼓勵學生使用本團隊開發的搜尋、標籤、註記系統協 助科學閱讀。 從閱讀切入,期望了解使用搜尋、標籤、註記等web 2.0(社會網絡)常見的服務和 系統功能進行資訊問題解決時,閱讀歷程與搜尋如何交會、閱讀歷程與標籤如何交會、 閱讀歷程與註記的交會,以及成就目標( Elliot & Murayama, 2008)、後設認知策略(Coiro & Dobler, 2007; Pintrich & De Groot, 1990; Pintrich & Schrauben, 1992)、團體行為在三種 交會歷程所扮演的角色。
輔助線上延伸閱讀之搜尋與註記: 學習科技如何促進與阻礙科學文章之理解與想像 Online Search and Annotation Supports for Extensive Reading: How Learning technology promotes and hinders K to 12 students' understanding of scientific expository text and imagination This project regards online reading with searching, tagging, and annotation as a way for information problem solving. When an online reading task (in this study extensive reading materials written in English on scientific topics, or scientific expository text for extensive reading) is given to junior and senior high students, they must treat it as (1) a very complex problem (a task) for further working and solution. When they cannot understand vocabularies, terms, concepts, and text meaning, they may use web dictionary, grammar reference books, and other supportive/basic articles that help understanding. They may (2) search/browse wikii, goodle, google scholar, and even academic database (Elsevier, International Thesis Database, for example) to find relevant materials to achieve solution (understanding). When they get some target online materials, they may (3) scan, read, and evaluate to decide whether current target materials are helpful to achieve solution. In this process, readers may need to (4) write notes (annotation) and place tagging to organize and make sense of what they get. Finally, they must read in-depth the supportive materials/notes and the original text for comparison, contrast, inference, summarize, criticize to achieve a full understanding of the text. We will analyze how some Web 2.0 services, such as searching/recommendation, digital annotation, interact with online reading strategies and outcomes of understanding. We also look for the effects of achievement goals (Elliot & Murayama, 2008) and metacognitive strategies (Coiro & Dobler, 2007; Pintrich & De Groot, 1990; Pintrich & Schrauben, 1992) in this extensive reading process.
Gov't Doc #: NSC99-2511-S009-010-MY3
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/100481
Appears in Collections:Research Plans