Title: | 製鼓產業自動化技術開發 Drum Industry Automation Technology Development |
Authors: | 徐瑞坤 HSU RAY-QUEN 國立交通大學機械工程學系(所) |
Keywords: | 鼓;製鼓;鼓皮削製;繃鼓;削鼓皮 |
Issue Date: | 2010 |
Abstract: | 製鼓工業由來已久,在各式傳統的婚喪節慶、迎神賽會之中,大鼓是必不可缺少的一項樂器。然而隨著科技進步、傳統文化的式微,曾經是民間地位崇高的製鼓業,現今面臨嚴重斷層;年輕人不願意學習、繼承傳統工藝 ,而有經驗的老師傅卻逐漸無法負荷粗重的製鼓工作。也正因如此,本計畫試圖以機械化設備來取代部分需仰賴工匠勞力、技術與經驗,減少訓練新世代手工藝師傅的時程,以及延長傳統技藝師傅的職業生涯,並且提升產品的良率與產能。
而實行的步驟上,為了確保產品品質不變,首先將會經由廠商得到目前實際的製鼓流程,並且討論哪些部份適合作機械化改良、而那些部分應該保留原本的製程。而後先藉由數項實驗與儀器的量測,將現有製程中的參數數據化,作為機械設計的依據;並由上述資料先試作小型試驗機組做測試,並視測試的結果調整數據,再製造正式的機具。目前預計將以削皮機、繃製機、單面鼓繃製機等三項,先行設計製造,用以取代傳統製程中的步驟。 The durm manufacture has played the has played the important roll in Chinese culture . Wedding or festival , durms can easily been found in all kinds of conditions .However , as the modern technology improve , drum manufacture almost become extinct . only several people who keeps the drum-making skill . For this reason , this project will going to design the semi-auto mechines to replace the human works of the old methods . And increases the capacity , quality at the same time . In order to keep the quality of products . First , we will duscuss with the manufacturers to decide which part should be improved . And then , take some experiments and measurements through the various instruments to find the key data base , which can be used in . According to the data base , we will build the testing machines in a smaller scale to find any unexpecteal problems , and construct the formal ones after testing . So far, we are designing and constructing the testing machines for cutting, stretching the leather those can replace the traditional fabrication process. |
Gov't Doc #: | NSC99-2622-E009-020-CC3 |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/100703 https://www.grb.gov.tw/search/planDetail?id=2169221&docId=348536 |
Appears in Collections: | Research Plans |