标题: 一种只需部分通道相位资讯的新型空间预编码的效能评估与晶片设计
A Novel Spatial Precoding with Limited Channel Phase Feedback and Its ASIC Design
作者: 蔡尚澕
Tsai Shang-Ho
公开日期: 2009
摘要: 正交时空编码 (OSTBC) 能提供全多样性 (full diversity),全速率 (full rate) 及
复數资料 (complex symbols) 传输的编码方式只适用于兩只传输天线架构中。而实现
作会造成信号延迟。当正交时空编码用在正交频率多工系统 (OFDM) 时,延迟会变得更
严重,因为子载波 (subcarriers) 數通常很大。而针对束波集成 (beamforming) 技
率及复數资料传输,而且还能提供预编码增益 (precoding gain)。在兩只传输天线架
构中,此架构只需一位元回授资讯其效能即可胜过 Alamouti 架构。此架构可以用在任
意传输天线數。若传输天线數为 N,我们发现 (N-1) 位元即可使此架构提供全多样性
术的规格中,例如,IEEE 802.11n 以及 IEEE 802.16 系列规格中.
In this proposal, we propose a novel precoding scheme for MIMO (multiple input and multiple
output) systems to overcome the drawbacks of orthogonal space-time block code (OSTBC) and
beamforming techniques. For OSTBC, the coding scheme that achieves full diversity order for
complex symbols with full rate exists only for two transmit antennas, i.e. Alamouti scheme. Also,
to implement OSTBCs, we need to store consecutive symbols in both transmitter and receiver sides
for encoding and decoding purposes, which requires extra memory and leads to latency. The
memory and latency increase as the OSTBCs applied to OFDM (orthogonal frequency domain
multiplexing) systems, where the number of subchannels can be up to several thousand, e.g. up to
2048 in standards of IEEE 802.16 family. For beamforming, the receiver needs to compute the
eigendecomposition of MIMO channel. Moreover, it requires feedback to send back the
eigendecomposed information. The amount of feedback increases as the numbers of transmit and
receive antennas increase. When beamforming is used in OFDM systems, the feedback amount is
in general very large and hence may somewhat be impractical when the channel environment varies
rapidly. Moreover, the eigendecompositions for all subchannels lead to high computational burden
in the receiver. Furthermore, the transmitter and receiver need to perform matrix multiplications
based on the eigendecomposition. All those drawbacks may limit beamforming techniques be used
in portable devices such as mobile phone, where simple transceiver design is more appreciated.
In this proposal, we propose a novel spatial precoding scheme that can provide additional coding
gain as well as achieve full diversity order for complex symbols with full rate. In systems with 2
transmit antennas, the proposed precoding scheme can outperform the Alamouti scheme with only
1-bit feedback information due to the additional precoding gain. Moreover, unlike orthogonal
space-time block code, this precoding scheme can be used for arbitrary number N of the transmit
antennas. We found that using (N-1)-bit feedback information, the proposed scheme can achieve a
full diversity order while also provide additional precoding gain in systems with N transmit
antennas. The precoding gain increases as N increases. Unlike orthogonal space-time block codes,
this precoding scheme does not need extra memory to store consecutive symbols and hence does
not result in latency in both transmitter and receiver sides. Furthermore, we propose a fast
algorithm to compute the feedback information for precoding to avoid the use of exhaustive search.
The proposed spatial precoding scheme and the algorithm to generate precoding codewords can be
directly used in standards that use MIMO techniques such as IEEE 802.11n and IEEE 802.16
In this research, we will investigate the performance and complexity of the proposed precoding
scheme and that of OSTBC and beamforming. Also, we will show how to use the proposed
techniques in IEEE 802.11n and IEEE 802.16 family. Finally, we will implement the proposed
architecture with IC.
官方说明文件#: NSC97-2221-E009-071-MY2
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/101232
显示于类别:Research Plans