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dc.contributor.authorLEE YUAN-PERNen_US
dc.description.abstract吾人將有系統地利用各種尖端方法研究敏化太陽能電池的工作機制,包括介面電子轉 移、能量緩弛以及電子/離子再結合等步驟。除了已經在使用的超快動態學的相關技術外,吾 人亦將發展嶄新方法,專注於介面吸附敏化分子的結構及方向對動態學的影響,以及材料的 微結構之光電效應與結構/動態表現彼此之相關性。擬新建立之技術,包括和頻振動光譜、針 尖強化之CARS 及拉曼光譜、及以多功能SPM 為微偵測工具的電致放光光譜及光電測量等新 方法,會和已有之技術如:超快可見/紫外光瞬態吸收、螢光上轉換、及時間解析FTIR 等一 起用來完整地瞭解影響敏化太陽能電池效能的各種因子,以期能夠對於其能量轉換效率及耐 用性之顯著之提昇有所了解。同時,因為國科會限制一人只能執行一計劃,吾人仍將持續進 行在氣態不穩定分子之光譜學及動態學以及para-H2 間質應用之研究,以維持本實驗室在該 等領域之國際領先地位。在氣態不穩定分子之光譜學及動態學方面,重點將放於利用步進式 霍氏紅外光譜儀之放射光譜法發展NO 之偵測,並發展氟原子及單態氧原子之反應動態學、利 用步進式霍氏紅外光譜儀之吸收光譜法研究大氣化學上重要反應中間物之紅外吸收光譜、發 展利用真空紫外光加紅外光游離之不受前驅物干擾之自由基紅外光譜法。在para-H2 間質應 用之研究方面,重點將在利用para-H2 之無晶格效應以生成新穎自由基以及雙分子反應加成物 之紅外吸收光譜鑑識及振動模及化學鍵選擇性之反應動態學。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractWe will investigate systematically detailed mechanisms for interfacial electron transfer, relaxation, and charge/ion recombination processes of sensitized solar cells (SSC). In addition to existing techniques involving ultrafast dynamics, special attention will be placed on the interfacial structure and orientation of adsorbates and their effects on dynamics, and on the mapping between the photovoltaic behavior and the structural/dynamic behavior of the microstructure of the material through the development of novel methods unexploited previously. New techniques including sum-frequency vibrational spectroscopy, tip-enhanced Raman and coherent anti-Stokes Raman spectroscopy, and multi-purpose SPM technique using electroluminescence and photovoltaic probes will be implemented and coupled with existing techniques such as ultrafast UV-VIS transient absorption, fluorescence up-conversion, time-resolved FTIR to provide complete understanding of the factors governing the performance of SSC, so that further improvements of the conversion efficiency and durability are possible. In the mean time, because the NSC restricts each PI to have only one project, some important on-going projects in this laboratory, such as vibrational spectroscopy/dynamics of gaseous free radicals and applications of solid p-H2 matrix will be continued to maintain the leading roles of this laboratory in these areas. For research on spectroscopy/dynamics of gaseous free radicals, we will emphasize on using time-resolved FTIR in emission mode to develop NO detection and to explore reaction dynamics involving F or O(1D) atoms, using time-resolved FTIR in absorption mode to investigate vibrational spectra of transient species that are important in atmospheric chemistry, and developing VUV-IR ionization technique for free radical IR spectroscopy that are free from interference of the precursors. For research on applications of solid p-H2 matrix, we will emphasize on taking advantage of the no-cage-effect to produce free radicals in solid p-H2 and investigating the entrance channel of bimolecular reactions by detection of the IR absorption of reaction adducts and by investigation of vibration-mediated reaction dynamics.en_US
dc.subjectp-H2 間質隔離zh_TW
dc.subjectsolar cellen_US
dc.subjectultrafast laseren_US
dc.subjectinfrared spectroscopyen_US
dc.subjectfree radicalen_US
dc.subjectp-H2 matrixisolationen_US
dc.titleNovel Vibrational Spectroscopy and Dynamics---from Gas Phase to Sensitized Solar Cells (I)en_US
Appears in Collections:Research Plans