Title: 建構與評估互動式網路英文教師寫作評語系統---以活動理論探討教師寫作評語之多面向分析
The Construction and Efficacy of Web-Based Interactive Teacher Commentary System---Multi-Dimensional Analysis of Teacher Commentary through Activity Theory
Authors: 張靜芬
Chang Ching-Fen
Issue Date: 2009
Abstract: 在過程導向的寫作教學中,批改學生作文及給寫作評語一向被視為英文寫作教師最重要的任務之一。然而有許多學者對於教師寫作評語是否能提昇學生寫作的效果一直存疑。之前研究大多探討以文法錯誤為主或以內容為主的教師評語對學生寫作成效,而忽略了教師評語的給予及學生理解教師評語的過程是一個相當複雜的過程。不少第二語言寫作的研究亦發現,在教師給評語的施與受之間,教師本身對於教師評語的理念及立場、教師所處的環境、及和師生互動關係等因素,會影響教師評語;因此有學者提出呼籲教師評語的研究需涵蓋探討這些因素的影響。近幾年,越來越多寫作中心的成立突顯國內對於英文寫作的需求,而其所衍生的議題,急需有更更多相關研究投入探討。本計畫採用活動理論為研究主軸,深入探討外在環境、教師個人因素、及線上教師寫作評語系統對於教師寫作評語的影響。本計畫為兩年期計畫:第一階段將主要探討外在環境與教師個人因素對於教師寫作評語的影響;第二階段則主要探討以第一階段所得之教師寫作評語類型為基礎的線上教師寫作評語系統對於教師寫作評語的行為及學生接受評語系統的影響。本計畫希望能對於教師寫作評語的過程以及電腦輔助系統對教師寫作評語的成效有更深的了解。
In process approach of writing, providing written feedback to student is one of the English teacher’s most important tasks and is highly rated by students to their writing. However, its effects on the improvement of student texts has been questioned and debated. Aside form-focused or content-focused feedback, previous studies have also demonstrated that that how teachers make commentary and how students take it in their revision is a complex process which is affected by factors from teachers’ stances, context, and the relationship between teacher and student should be taken into account in (Goldstein, 2005; Leki, 1990; Prior, 1995).
The project, drawn from the inspiration of research called for exploring the complexity of teacher commentary in L2 writing and for pedagogical implementations of increasing writing centers in Taiwan, aims to explore EFL writing teachers’ beliefs on their commentary, the types of comments they respond to student, and the efficacy of a self-developed commentary system for the process of providing and receiving teacher commentary. Activity Theory is adopted as the theoretical framework of the project to explain the complex interwoven factors underlying teacher commentary. The project will be conducted in two stages. In the first stage, the project emphasizes on the exploration of what commentary five English writing teachers in a writing center at a public university provide to their student texts, how their personal and contextual factors influence their commentary, and how their students perceive teachers’ commentary to their revision. A case study approach is adopted and data are elicited from interview, observations, questionnaires, and student writing with teacher comments. In the second stage of the project, a self-developed Web-based teacher commentary system will be developed based on the commentary types collected and analyzed from the data in the first stage of the project. Then the second stage of the project aims to explore how the system, as a mediated artifact, play roles in writing teachers’ commenting behaviors and how both teachers and students perceive teacher commentary through the system. Two writing courses will integrate the system as the venue of teacher commentary. Data will gather from interviews, think-aloud protocols, observation, questionnaire, and student writing. The activity system model will serve as the analytical model to identify the important elements in the process of teacher commentary.
The results of the project are expected to help us gain an in-depth understanding of the process of teacher commentary from both teacher and student perspectives and the factors influencing the process. The commentary system is expected to reduce teachers’ workload and facilitate the process of giving and receiving teacher commentary.
Gov't Doc #: NSC98-2410-H009-054
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/101657
Appears in Collections:Research Plans