Title: 新竹地區(交通大學)數學期刊圖書服務計畫
Virtual School for High School Mathematics
Authors: 賴明治
Lai Ming-Chih
Issue Date: 2008
Abstract: 本計劃之主要目的在採購及收集有關數學(包含統計)方面之各類期刊和書 籍,便利北部地區各大專院校師生、研究單位及外界人士查閱資料,協助其研 究工作。 本圖書室採開架式開放期刊與書籍之閱覽,並提供書籍的借出與歸還,提供 資料影印之服務,遠地讀者亦可透過通信或傳真申請代影印資料,本圖書室並有 電腦網路查詢服務。
The propose of this project is to establish a library on applied mathematics to serve applied mathematicians as well as research in other field that need mathematics as tools. We shall purchse related journals and books to make an open house library, where readers can read journals and books, check out books, zerox materials, check information through computer system. For those out of town, zerox services is also available through mail, phone call, or fax.
Gov't Doc #: NSC97-2735-M009-001-MY3
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/101978
Appears in Collections:Research Plans