Title: | 客家族群產業經濟研究:以後龍溪為例 A Study on Hakka Ethnical Economy in Houlong River Area |
Authors: | 黃世明 Huang, Shih-Ming 國立交通大學{國際客家研究中心} |
Keywords: | 苗栗;後龍溪;客家族群經濟;客家;Miaoli;Houlong River;Hakka ethnic economy;Hakka |
Issue Date: | 2008 |
Abstract: | 本計畫以後龍溪流域客家產業經濟為研究區域,後龍溪流域所在的苗栗縣,長期以來,受到地形的影響,海線、山線、內山三個地區,彼此間往來較為有限,各自形成一個地域單元,並逐漸塑造成不同的經濟、社會發展特色。苗栗縣境丘陵起伏、山多田少,漢人的入墾則從乾隆初年,順著後龍溪沿岸往上游開發,也間接促使平埔族的內遷;大陸移民入墾苗栗縣地區起步很晚,其大規模開發更是遲至乾隆年間(1736~1795)客家人大批湧至後方才開始。後龍溪沿岸的早期土地拓墾,產業經營的變遷,以及漢人入墾後龍溪沿岸土地對族群生態的衝擊,可以發現後龍溪流域可以說是觀察台灣族群關係的視窗。
本研究計畫將後龍溪上、中、下游的空間視為族群交流的舞台,以族群產業的經濟發展作為論述的主軸,從維生方式、聚落形式、交通網絡、族群關係、治理系統特質等面向做整體分析,並與其他流域的研究成果進行比較性的對話,除了歷史經驗的事實建構外,同時也嘗試由理論與方法的思維應用與檢視反省,提出客家族群經濟發展的論述邏輯與風格特質。 This study integrates different sciences to investigate , analyze and interpret the social change and industrial economical development of Houlong river area. Geographical circumstances were the important influence factors of settlements and communities founded , different ethical groups interaction and local societies development . From the discussing of points of view of economic sociology , embedment concepts ,Skinner’s local markets analysis and Annual school , Houlong river area would be the window to look Hakka with other ethnic groups interacting during different epoch by multi-dimensions, which also would be the field of dialectical development of political governance ,different forms of capital exchange ,social and cultural dispositions of practices of habitus. This research would take qualitative methods to collect and analyze data and references, through the convey of fieldwork , to understand the area development wholly and construct history from below or grassroots history. This study also takes the Houlong river area as the stage performed by Hakka with other ethnic groups to construct local culture, maintain material lives and manage industrial economies . Houlong river area would be the network of connections of local markets where different communities and ethic groups exchanged. Resources of water and mountain influenced migration network and Hakka settlements, providing the field to develop local societies and economical communities. This research would try to learn to use GIS instruments to show and form the development of area economic and cultural history diachronically and synchronically . |
Gov't Doc #: | 97-0399-05-0301-10 |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/102080 https://www.grb.gov.tw/search/planDetail?id=1603549&docId=275223 |
Appears in Collections: | Research Plans |
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