Title: | 新穎高效能奈米TiO2/Fe0複合材料及UV/NTFC光催化反應系統之最佳化研究---製備與應用及光催化複合材料回收與再生 Development of High Performance Noval TiO/sub 2//Fe0 Composite (NTFC) and UV/NTFC Reaction System---Preparation and Regeneration of Spent NTFC and System Optimization |
Authors: | 袁如馨 PAN JILL RU-HSING 國立交通大學生物科技學系(所) |
Keywords: | 奈米級二氧化鈦;奈米級零價鐵;奈米級二氧化鈦/零價鐵複合材料;有機污染物;光催化;2;4-dichlorophenol;TiO2;zerovalent iron (Fe0);photocatalyst;novel TiO2/Fe0 composite(NTFC);organic pollutants;2;4-dichlorophenol |
Issue Date: | 2008 |
Abstract: | 零價鐵金屬與二氧化鈦已被廣泛應用於還原與氧化有機污染物,零價鐵應
氧化鈦產生之標準電位差(-0.2 to 3.0 eV)延緩零價鐵表面氧化層之快速形成,並
TiO2/Fe0 composite;NTFC) 之開發,並結合冷陰極管紫外線(Cold Cathode
Fluorescent Light; CCFL) 建立一UV/ NTFC反應系統以有效處理污染物。本研究
首先以新穎方式合成低溫、中性和具100% anatase 晶相之二氧化鈦,並將其覆膜
於零價鐵合成NTFC。所製備之NTFC將以FE-SEM, XRD, XPS, SQUID分析其特
性,並以2,4-dichlorophenol 環境荷爾蒙之去除作為光催化效能測試。研究內容
程,(6) 建立全自動NTFC 奈米顆粒回收再生與再利用裝置,(7) pilot scale
UV/NTFC反應系統之建立及程序最佳化之研究,期將此技術應用於產業界。 Zerovalent iron (ZVI) and titanium dioxide (TiO2) have been widely used in degradations of organic pollutants. The major obstacle of Fe0 application is the decreasing efficiency with time due to the formation of a surface oxide layer, while the electron-hole recombination in photocatalyst TiO2 hinders the reactivity of TiO2. The reduction potential of photocatalyst TiO2 is sufficient to transform ferric ion to ferrous ion. In this study, an innovative method is proposed to synthesize a novel TiO2/Fe0 composite (NTFC) to extend the life span of ZVI by retarding the formation of surface oxide layer on ZVI. The novel composite will be synthesized with a special chemical method from TiO2 and Fe0 nanoparticles, which will be prepared in the lab by a neutral sol-gel process and wet precipitation, respectively. The surface characteristics of the NTFC will be examined by using FE-SEM, XRD, XPS and chemical analysis. The photocatalytic performance of NTFC will be evaluated by the degradation of 2,4-dichlorophenol. The scope of the study include: (1) synthesis of ZVI and TiO2, (2) preparation and characterization of NTFC, (3) effect of ZVI and TiO2 ratio on catalytic efficiency of NTFC, (4) recovery, regeneration and reuse of spent NTFC, (5) optimization of a pilot UV/NTFC reactor with automated NTFC reuse system. The ultimate goal is to develop an applicable UV/NTFC reactor system of high selectivity and efficiency to remove persistent organic pollutants (POPs). |
Gov't Doc #: | NSC97-2221-E009-185 |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/102096 https://www.grb.gov.tw/search/planDetail?id=1657850&docId=284125 |
Appears in Collections: | Research Plans |