Title: 高速奈米定位器之設計與研究
The Design and Research of a High Speed Nano-Positioner
Authors: 洪紹剛
Hung Shao-Kang
Issue Date: 2008
Abstract: 奈米定位器被泛用在顯微術、精密量測、微加工、微操控、半導體製程設備等先進 領域,其中一個重要的應用便是原子力顯微術,它是奈米科技發展不可或缺的檢測工 具。原子力顯微鏡的用途廣泛,例如表面形貌測繪、奈米顆粒粒徑分析、微彈性量測 等。然而原子力顯微鏡最大的缺點就是速度慢,故本計畫的目標便是發展一高速奈米 定位器。我們提出「平行細柱群」彈性導引機構、多致動器並聯式機構、光纖干涉儀 等多項新穎設計,所整合出的高速奈米定位器,預期可以15kHz 的頻寬驅動18g 的負 載。在未來可以帶動以光碟讀取頭為核心的探針撓曲量測模組,搭配「螺旋軌跡掃描 法」,構成具有每秒30 張取像能力的掃針式即時奈米攝影機。如此便可獲致突破性的 應用,例如產線上快速奈米尺度缺陷篩檢。
Nano-positioners are widely used in the fields of microscopy, precision measurement, micro-machining, micro-manipulation, and semi-conductor fabrication equipments. Among these advanced application, an important one is atomic force microscopy (AFM). AFM is an essential tool for the development of nanotechnology. It can be utilized on nano-topography, nano-particle analysis, and nano-elasticity measurement. However, the main drawback of AFM is its slow operation speed. Therefore, the purpose of this project is to develop a high-speed nano-positioner. Some innovative designs like “thin column group” guidance, multi-actuator parallel mechanism, and Fabry-Perot optical fiber interferometer are proposed. It is expected to achieve a 15 kHz bandwidth with an 18g payload. In the future work, this nano-positioner is able to carry a pick-up-head based probe measuring module to scan rapidly in an AFM. After adopting “spiral scanning method”, a real-time nano-camera with 30 frame/s imaging capability can be realized. Hence some applications of cutting edge will be attained, for example, the on-line nano-scale defects detection.
Gov't Doc #: NSC97-2218-E009-036
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/102183
Appears in Collections:Research Plans