Title: 新聞訊息可信度綜效模型建立與效果初探
Building Synergy Model of News Credibility and Exploring Its Effects
Authors: 張郁敏
Chang Yuhmiin
Keywords: 新聞可信度;綜效;模型;News Credibility;Synergy;Model
Issue Date: 2008
Abstract: 最新的統計資料顯示,台灣民眾花許多時間在電視與網路媒體上,而且新聞 閱讀是電視與網路閱聽眾最常從事的行為。然而,目前對於從電視與網路媒體同 時閱讀新聞會產生何種效果的研究並不多見。相關研究僅有Bucy (2003)一篇, 該研究結果支持新聞綜效的存在,但對於綜效的論述與了解僅止於此,並未對新 聞綜效產生的機制進行解釋與驗證。綜效是行銷傳播而來的概念,到目前為止, 行銷傳播研究在探究綜效時,多使用認知導向的理論。認知導向的理論,看重的 是個人如何解讀訊息,雖然認知對於態度的形成有所影響,但「多重」消息來源 此因素所造成的影響卻被忽視了。另外,早期的西方社會心理學者認為「多重」 消息來源之所以可以產生效果,是因為從眾(conformity)所造成。「從眾」指的是 個人在社會群體的壓力下放棄自己的判斷,而採取與大多數人一致的現象。然 而,這樣的思維又太忽略人們的思辨能力。總言之,目前不但缺乏對於新聞綜效 的研究,以往以認知理論詮釋綜效又太依賴西方個人主義思維。近年來許多學者 陸續建議,納入亞洲思維,意即在非盲從的前提下,納入社交情境進行判斷,或 許才是一個較完整的詮釋架構。因此,本研究的目的在於透過亞洲觀點,以提出 一個較完整的新聞綜效模型,並透過此綜效模型,檢視新聞綜效產生的機制 (mechanism)與可能效果。
According to the current surveys, people in Taiwan spend a lot of time on television and the Web to watch news. Except Bucy (2003), few studies have investigated the combined communication effects of news consumption from multiple media. His study, however, focused only on the outcomes instead of the underlying mechanism that lead to the outcomes. In other words, synergy model of news credibility is in need. There are, however, two problems relating to current thoughts of synergy. First, cognitive theories have been used to explain synergistic effects and those theories neglected the possible influences from “multiple” sources. Second, earlier theories concerning “multiple sources” believed that people conform to the majority points of view due to social pressure and neglected people’s abilities of reasoning. In sum, current view of synergy could be too individualistic in nature. Many scholars have suggested that involving Asian-centric view to communication theory could yield a more comprehensive explanation for some communication effects. Therefore, the objective of this study is to build a synergy model of news credibility from Asian perspective and to test the existence of synergistic effects of news credibility on the basis of the model.
Gov't Doc #: NSC97-2410-H004-177-SSS
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/102357
Appears in Collections:Research Plans