標題: | 公共領域之轉型及民主之新可能 Transformations of the Public Sphere and New Possibilities of Democracy |
作者: | 林艾克 Ringmar Erik Ivar 國立交通大學通識教育中心 |
關鍵字: | 公共領域;民主;網路;新親密關係;public sphere;democracy;internet |
公開日期: | 2008 |
摘要: | 傳統公共領域的沒落並不一定表示公共領域再無機會復興,我們可能可以 見到轉型後的公共領域蓬勃發展。事實上公共領域與現代政治生活的一些 核心概念密切相關,這些核心概念包括民主、權力、人權等等。因此公共 領域若無法轉型成功,這些核心概念的續存亦將受到威脅。 此一計畫主要是理論性的,這意謂著我們將聚焦於概念的論爭及新理論視 野的發展。我們將分析其他學者的歷史性研究和經驗研究,最終的目標則 是發展出對於公共領域的角色和性質的新的理論性理解,並提出復甦政治 和建立新參與形式的方法。本計畫為二年期計畫,在預期學術成果上,本 計畫期待能於第二年起,每年至少發表兩篇論文於國際知名學術期刊,計 畫執行完畢後並將出版專書。 The aim of this project is to better understand the contemporary transformations which the traditional notion of the public sphere is undergoing and the implications this has for our understanding of some of the key concepts of political life -- democracy, power, human rights, etc. The project will primarily be theoretical, meaning that we will focus on conceptual debates and on the development of new theoretical perspectives. We will, however, make repeated references to historical studies and to the empirical research of other scholars. The aim is to develop a new theoretical understanding of the role and nature of the public sphere, but the ultimate aspiration is to suggest ways in which politics may be reinvigorated and new forms of participation developed. This is a two year project which has the aim to publish at least two academic articles per year in internationally renowned, SSCI, journals. The project as a whole will be presented in a research monograph. |
官方說明文件#: | NSC97-2410-H009-029 |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/102527 https://www.grb.gov.tw/search/planDetail?id=1677722&docId=288691 |
顯示於類別: | 研究計畫 |