Title: | 味道物理中之格點量子色動力學 Lattice Qcd in Flavour Physics |
Authors: | 林及仁 Lin Chi-Jen David 國立交通大學物理研究所 |
Issue Date: | 2008 |
Abstract: | <![CDATA[
我主è¦�çš„ç ”ç©¶èˆˆè¶£æ˜¯é›»å¼±ç�†è«–ä¸é�žå¾®æ“¾çš„強作用效應. 主è¦�çš„ç ”ç©¶å·¥å…·ç‚ºæ ¼é»žé‡�å�色動力å¸å�Šæœ‰æ•ˆå ´è«–. 在未來幾年ä¸, 我將專注在 b 與 c 夸克的弱作用é�Žç¨‹. é…�å�ˆä¸Šæº–確的實驗çµ�果和ç�†å¼±è¨ˆç®—, 這些弱作用é�Žç¨‹å�¯ä»¥è¢«ç”¨ä¾†ç²¾ç¢ºåœ°æª¢é©—標準模型和尋找新物ç�†. 我特別有興趣的å�計劃為:
.. Lambda-b é‡�å�衰變為 Lambda é‡�å�與光å�或輕å�å°�. 這些衰變é�Žç¨‹å°�新物ç�†ä¸çš„交互å�³æ‰‹ä½œç”¨ç‰¹åˆ¥æ•�æ„Ÿ.
.. B 與 D 介å�物ç�†. 這個å�計劃將å�¯ä»¥æ��å�‡æ ¼é»žé‡�å�色動力å¸åœ¨CKM物ç�†ä¸çš„è²¢ç�».
這些計劃將與臺ç�£, 美國å�Šè‹±åœ‹çš„物ç�†å·¥ä½œè€…å�ˆä½œ. ç ”ç©¶å…§å®¹å°‡åŒ…æ‹¬è§£æž�與數值的é�¢å�‘. ç ”ç©¶çµ�果將å°�ç›®å‰�(諸如CLEO)與未來(諸如LHC)實驗çµ�果產生è¡�æ“Š
]]> <![CDATA[ My main research interest is the non-perturbative aspects of the strong interaction in elec- troweak physics, using the tools of lattice QCD and effective field theory. In the following few years, I would like to focus on b- and c- quark physics, which enables stringent tests of the Standard Model and the search for new physics via high-precision experimental measurements and theoretical calculations. Specifically, I will work on: ‧ Physics of #3;b baryon: The goal of this project is to calculate the form factors in the #3;b ! #3; and #3;b ! #3;l+l. decays for polarised #3;b. These decay channels are sensitive to new physics involving right-handed couplings. ‧ Physics of B and D mesons: The goal of this project is to enhance the inputs of lattice QCD in CKM physics, and search for new physics via D0 . ¯D0 mixing. These proposed projects will be carried out with physicists in Taiwan, as well as in the USA and the UK. They will involve both analytical and numerical calculations, and will produce results that will be interesting for physics at current and future experiments, such as CLEO, the B factories and the LHC, around the world. ]]> |
Gov't Doc #: | NSC96-2112-M009-020-MY3 |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/102882 https://www.grb.gov.tw/search/planDetail?id=1581877&docId=270929 |
Appears in Collections: | Research Plans |